
Terms for subject General containing A | all forms | exact matches only
EnglishScottish Gaelic
a bitBeagan
a cappella singingseinn a cappella (Yerkwantai)
a cause of griefadhbhar bròin (Yerkwantai)
a fewBeagan
a lottòrr (Yerkwantai)
a while agoo chionn greis (Yerkwantai)
a while agoo chionn ghoirid (Yerkwantai)
as a matter of factmar fhìrinn
as a matter of factair a shon sin (Yerkwantai)
at a future datesan àm ri teachd (Yerkwantai)
at a timeaig àm
cock-a-doodle-doogog-a-ghuidhe-ghaoidhe (Yerkwantai)
deliver a speechthoir seachad òraid (Yerkwantai)
draw a linetarraing loidhne
for a long timeo chionn fhada (Yerkwantai)
for a whileair son greis (Yerkwantai)
give a descriptionthoir iomradh (Yerkwantai)
have a good timebi deagh àm agad
in a frenzynam mhàl (Yerkwantai)
in a frenzyair bhoile (Yerkwantai)
in a frenzyair bhoil (Yerkwantai)
in a hurrycabhagach (Yerkwantai)
in a rowsreath chèile (Yerkwantai)
in a rowan sreath a chèile (Yerkwantai)
in a year's timean ceann bliadhna‎ (Yerkwantai)
make a facedèan aghaidh
nib of a pengob pinn (Yerkwantai)
not give a damnbi suarach mu (Yerkwantai)
on the back of a horseair muin eich‎ (Yerkwantai)
once upon a timeuair dha robh saoghal (Yerkwantai)
once upon a timeuair den t-saoghal (Yerkwantai)
once upon a timebha siud ann uaireigin (Yerkwantai)
reach a conclusionco-dhùnadh a ruighinn (Yerkwantai)
six of one, half a dozen of the otherbò mhaol odhar agus bò odhar mhaol (Yerkwantai)
son of a bitchmac na galla (Yerkwantai)
stalk of a plantluirg (Yerkwantai)
take a chancegabh cothrom
terminate a contractcrìoch a chur air cunnradh (Yerkwantai)
to a great extentgu ìre mhòr
what a pitynach bochd sin (Yerkwantai)
within a yeareadar seo agus ceann bliadhna (Yerkwantai)