
Terms containing strings | all forms
construct.bannister stringvang de balustradă
construct.casing-string sinkingcoborîrea tubului de cuvelaj
construct.central stringvang central
comp., MScontent revocation stringșir de revocare conținut (A string that is generated by the content owner or content packager and is based on their public and private signing keys. This string is shared with the license issuer, who includes it in all licenses. Computers that receive a license with this string are no longer able to play files packaged with that particular signing key pair)
construct.continuous rail stringstronsoane de cale fără joante
construct.double-string pipeline crossingtraversarea conductei pe două fire
construct.double string suspensionsuspensie dublă cu lanț
comp., MSe-mail address (A string that identifies a user so that the user can receive Internet email. An email address on the Internet typically consists of an account name, followed by theadresă de e-mail
comp., MSemail address (A string that identifies a user so that the user can receive Internet email. An email address on the Internet typically consists of an account name, followed by theadresă de e-mail
anat.navel stringcordon ombilical
construct.rail stringtronson de șine
construct.staircase on stringsscară cu vanguri
construct.stairs on wooden stringsscară cu vanguri de lemn
construct.string adjacent to wallvang lîngă perete
construct.string chain curtainperdea de lanțuri în ghirlande
comp., MSstring comparisoncomparație șiruri (The use of an operator to determine whether one string is greater than or equal to another string. Use the Option Compare statement to specify binary (case sensitive) or text (non-case sensitive) comparison)
comp., MSstring delimiterdelimitator de șir (A text character that sets apart a string embedded within a string)
construct.string distribution diaphragmdiafragmă pentru repartizarea corzilor (de sîrmă)
construct.string elevatorascensor cu cablu
agric.string of cartstren
agric.string of cartsconvoi
construct.string-reinforced concretebeton armat cu armătură din coarde
comp., MStext stringșir text (A group of characters or character bytes representing text handled as a single entity)
construct.timber stairs with steps jointed into stringsscară încastrată din lemn
agric.tobacco stringșir de tutun
agric.tobacco stringșnur de tutun
construct.well casing stringtubaj
construct.wooden staircase with treads cut in stringsscară cu trepte încastrate în vang din lemn
construct.wooden staircase with triangles nailed to stringsscară cu trepte rezemate pe praguri
build.struct.wooden triangle nailed to stair stringșipcă triunghiulară fixată pe grindă
comp., MSzero-length stringșir de lungime zero (A string that contains no characters)