
Terms containing external | all forms | exact matches only
agric.adaptation to external conditionsadaptare la condițiile mediului
construct.adjustable external vibratorexterior vibrator suspendant
bot.aerial external bulbilsbulbili aerieni
construct.apparatus for gypsum calcining without external steam supplyautoclavă
construct.boiler external liningînzidirea cazanului
gen.Commission for Citizenship, Governance, Institutional and External AffairsComisia pentru cetățenie, guvernanță, afaceri externe și instituționale
gen.Commission for External RelationsComisia pentru relații externe și cooperare descentralizată
gen.Commission for External Relations and Decentralised CooperationComisia pentru relații externe și cooperare descentralizată
gen.consistency of the Union's external actioncoerența acțiunii externe a Uniunii
construct.corrosion by external currentscoroziune prin curenți exteriori
immigr.Council Regulation EC No 539/2001 of 15 March 2001 listing the third countries whose nationals must be in possession of visas when crossing the external borders and those whose nationals are exempt from that requirementRegulamentul CE nr. 539/2001 al Consiliului din 15 martie 2001 de stabilire a listei țărilor terțe ai căror resortisanți trebuie să dețină viză pentru trecerea frontierelor externe și a listei țărilor terțe ai căror resortisanți sunt exonerați de această obligație
gen.Council Regulation EC No 539/2001 of 15 March 2001 listing the third countries whose nationals must be in possession of visas when crossing the external borders and those whose nationals are exempt from that requirementRegulamentul privind vizele
econ., fin., account.current external balancesold al operațiunilor curente cu exteriorul
polit.Directorate 3 - External RelationsDirecția 3 - Relații externe
polit.Directorate 3 - Fisheries, including external relationsDirecția 3 - Pescuitul, inclusiv relații externe
polit.Directorate for External RelationsDirecția 3 - Relații externe
polit.Directorate-General for External Policies of the UnionDirecția Generală Politici Externe ale Uniunii
polit.Directorate-General for External RelationsDG Relații Externe
polit.Directorate-General for External RelationsDirecția Generală Relații Externe
polit.Directorate-General for External RelationsDG RELEX
immigr.European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European UnionAgenţia Europeană pentru Managementul Cooperării Operaţionale la Frontierele Externe ale Statelor Membre ale Uniunii Europene
gen.European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European UnionAgenția Europeană pentru Gestionarea Cooperării Operative la Frontierele Externe ale Statelor Membre ale Uniunii Europene
gov., construct.European External Action ServiceServiciul European de Acțiune Externă
econ.European External Action ServiceServiciul European de Acţiune Externă
fin., law, immigr.European External Borders FundFondul pentru frontierele externe
health.European Programme for Action to Confront HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis through External Action 2007-2011program european de acțiune privind combaterea HIV/SIDA, a malariei și a tuberculozei prin acțiuni externe 2007-2011
agric.evaluation of the animal external conditionsaprecierea animalelor după exterior
comp., MSexternal accessacces extern (Authenticated access that can be granted to external partners and clients to enable sharing of selected SharePoint Online content)
econ., fin., account.external account of goods and servicescontul extern de bunuri și servicii
fin.external actionacțiuni externe
fin.external actionsacțiuni externe
construct.external actionsacțiuni exterioare
automat.external activityactivitate exterioară
fin.external aidajutor extern
construct.external architravepervaz exterior
fin.external assigned revenuevenit alocat extern
fin.external assistance management reportraport privind gestionarea asistenței externe
fin., account.external auditingaudit extern
gen.external balanceechilibru extern
lawexternal borderfrontieră externă
econ.external border of the EUfrontiera externă a UE
fin., law, immigr.External Borders FundFondul pentru frontierele externe
gen.external capital flowflux extern de capital
mach.mech.external characteristiccaracteristică externă
mech.eng.external combustion enginemotor cu ardere externă
polit.External Communication UnitUnitatea de comunicare externă
cust.external community transitregim de tranzit extern
cust.external Community transit procedureregim de tranzit extern
econ.external competence EUcompetență externă (UE)
agric.external conformationde exterior
zoot.external conformationexterior
construct.external constraintlegătură exterioară
comp., MSexternal contactcontact extern (People outside the Outlook Live organization who can be added to public groups and displayed in your organization's address book and other address lists. External contacts have e-mail addresses outside the organization and can't sign in to your domain)
comp., MSExternal ContactsPersoane de contact externe (A privacy relationship setting that allows a small amount of information to be viewed, typically for nonfederated contacts)
comp., MSexternal content typetip de conținut extern (An object (such as a customer, item, or employee) that shares a set of defined attributes or characteristics, and that is used to manage rules for data)
comp., MSExternal Content Type data sourcesursă de date pentru tip de conținut extern (A type of data source used to connect to an external data source)
comp., MSExternal Content Type DesignerDesigner pentru tip de conținut extern (A modeling tool in SharePoint Designer that enables users to create external content types, external lists and forms without writing code)
comp., MSExternal Content Type PickerSelector pentru tip de conținut extern (​A BCS feature that allows users of a composite solution to select an external content type from within an Office client application)
econ., fin.external costcost extern
fin.external credit assessment institutioninstituție externă de evaluare a creditului
comp., MSexternal datadate externe (Data that is stored outside of the application that is currently in use)
comp., MSexternal data columncoloană de date externe (A column type that allows data from external systems to be incorporated into SharePoint lists)
comp., MSExternal Data GridGrilă de date externe (A Web Part that displays a list of external items from a business application registered in the BDC Metadata Store)
comp., MSExternal Data Grid Web Partparte web grilă de date externe (A Web Part that displays a list of external items from a business application registered in the BDC Metadata Store)
comp., MSExternal Data ItemElement de date externe (A Web Part that can display a single item in an external list)
comp., MSExternal Data Item BuilderConstructor de elemente de date externe (A Web Part that creates an external item based on parameters in the query string and provides it to other Web Parts. This Web Part is used only on external data profile pages)
comp., MSExternal Data Item Builder Web Partparte web constructor de elemente de date externe (A Web Part that creates an external item based on parameters in the query string and provides it to other Web Parts. This Web Part is used only on external data profile pages)
comp., MSExternal Data Item Web Partparte web element de date externe (A Web Part that can display a single item in an external list)
comp., MSexternal data partset de controale pentru date externe (A set of controls that interact with external data through BCS)
comp., MSexternal data providerfurnizor de date externe (A business entity, typically a company, that provides up to date data to a Microsoft Dynamics CRM user)
comp., MSexternal data rangezonă de date externe (A range of data that is brought into a worksheet but that originates outside of Excel, such as in a database or text file)
comp., MSExternal Data Related ListListă de date externe înrudite (A Web Part that displays a list of related external items from a business application)
comp., MSExternal Data Related List Web Partparte web listă de date externe înrudite (A Web Part that displays a list of related external items from a business application)
comp., MSExternal Data Web Partspărți web date externe (Out-of-the-box Web Parts that are shipped as part of Business Connectivity Services)
econ.external debtdatorie externă
el.external decommissioning fundfond extern pentru operațiunile de dezafectare
fin.external deficitdeficit extern
econ., account., fin.external deficitdeficit de cont curent
comp., MSexternal dependencydependență externă (A relationship in which the start or finish date of a task depends on a task in another project)
comp., MSexternal displaymonitor extern (A computer monitor that supplements the main monitor)
construct.external doorușă exterioară
econ., environ.external effectexternalitate
immigr.external EU borderfrontiere externe UE
fin.external exposure of the countryîndatorare externă
fin.external financing instrumentinstrument de finanțare externă
construct.external flooringpardoseală exterioară
construct.external forceforță exterioară
construct.external furnacefocar exterior
construct.external gas pipelinesconductă exterioară de gaze
construct.external illuminationiluminat exterior
fin.external indebtednessîndatorare externă
comp., MSexternal itemelement extern (An specific occurence of an external content type)
comp., MSExternal Item PickerSelector pentru elemente externe (A BCS feature that allows users of a composite solution to select external data from within an Office client application)
construct.external knotnod exterior
construct.external latchzăvor aplicat
construct.external layingpozare exterioară
construct.external lightingiluminat exterior
comp., MSexternal listlistă externă (A Windows SharePoint Services or SharePoint Server list from an external content type)
comp., MSexternal list deploymentimplementare listă externă (Automated deployment of a simple solution for BCS, using ClickOnce technology. An example would be taking an external list offline to Outlook or SharePoint Workspace)
construct.external loansîmprumuturi externe
construct.external lockbroască aplicată
comp., MSexternal network numbernumăr rețea externă (A 4-byte hexadecimal number used for addressing and routing purposes on NetWare networks. The external network number is associated with physical network adapters and networks)
construct.external noisezgomot exterior
commun.External Offices DirectorateDirecția Birouri externe
polit.External Policies ServiceServiciul pentru politici externe
polit.External Policies UnitUnitatea pentru politici externe
energ.ind., el.external power supplysursă externă de alimentare
comp., MSexternal predecessorpredecesor extern (A predecessor to a task in the current project that resides in another project, represented by a task that appears dimmed in the task list)
construct.external protection structureconstrucție interioară de îngrădire
construct.external redundancynedeterminare statică exterioară
gen.external relationsrelații externe
polit.External Relations DGDG Relații Externe
polit.External Relations DGDG RELEX
polit.External Relations DGDirecția Generală Relații Externe
immigr.external service providerprestator extern de servicii
construct.external staircasecasa scării exterioară
automat.external storagememorie externă
comp., MSexternal successorsuccesor extern (A successor to a task in the current project that resides in another project, represented by a task that appears dimmed in the task list)
comp., MSExternal SystemSistem extern (A supported source of data that can be modeled by Business Connectivity Services, such as a database, Web service, or custom .NET Framework assembly)
comp., MSexternal tabletabel extern (A table outside the open database or project)
comp., MSexternal taskactivitate externă (A task that represents a linked task in another project, providing an easy way to review the attributes of linked tasks without switching between projects. An external task can be changed only in the source project)
commer.external tradecomerț exterior
econ., commer.external trade balancebalanță comercială
ecol.external trading platformplatformă de tranzacționare externă
ecol.external trading platformplatformă de tranzacționare a certificatelor de emisii de gaze cu efect de seră
cust., fin.external transitregim de tranzit vamal extern
cust., fin.external transit procedureregim de tranzit vamal extern
polit.External Translation UnitUnitatea de traduceri externe
construct.external-transport areazonă pentru transporturi externe
cust.external Union transitregim de tranzit extern
cust.external Union transit procedureregim de tranzit extern
comp., MSexternal URL mappingmapare URL extern (A URL mapping for objects that are not part of the WSS system)
health., pharma.external use of an herbal productuz extern al produselor din plante
comp., MSexternal user invitation reportraport de invitare utilizatori externi (A report that lists the email address, invitation date, invitation status, and invitation submitter for external users invited to a SharePoint site collection)
math.external validityexterne valabilitate
math.external varianceexterne varianţa
construct.external vibrationvibrare externă
construct.external viewvedere laterală
construct.external wallperete de închidere
construct.external wallperete exterior
construct.external wall blockbloc exterior de perete
construct.external wiringinstalație electrică exterioară
construct.finishing of walls external angleprelucrarea unghiurilor exterioare
polit.General Affairs and External Relations CouncilConsiliul Afaceri Generale și Relații Externe
fin.Guarantee Fund for external actionsFondul de garantare pentru acțiuni externe
construct.gypsum calcining without external steam supplyautoclavizare
fin.instrument for financial support for external borders and visaInstrument de sprijin financiar pentru frontiere externe și vize
gen.integrated management system for external borderssistem integrat de administrare a frontierelor externe
environ.internalisation of external costs The process of getting those who produce goods or services with adverse effects on the environment or on society to incorporate a knowledge of possible negative repercussions into future economic decisionsinternalizarea costurilor externe
polit.Legislative Quality Unit E - External PoliciesUnitatea pentru calitate legislativă E - Politici externe
polit.Multilingualism and External Relations UnitUnitatea pentru multilingvism și relații externe
fin.nominated External Credit Assessment InstitutionECAI desemnată
polit.Policy Department for External RelationsDepartamentul tematic pentru relații externe
gen.Practical Guide to Contract Procedures for EU External ActionsGhidul practic privind procedurile de contractare pentru acțiunile externe ale Uniunii Europene
polit.Press, Internal and External CommunicationUnitatea D1
polit.Press, Internal and External CommunicationPresă, comunicare internă și externă
polit., immigr.Protocol on external relations of the Member States with regard to the crossing of external bordersProtocolul privind relațiile externe ale statelor membre în ceea ce privește trecerea frontierelor externe
immigr.temporary external borderfrontieră externă temporară
comp., MStenant-level external data logjurnal de date externe pentru entități găzduite (An error log that contains errors and exceptions that occur when SharePoint tries to connect to external systems through Business Connectivity Services. It can be retrieved by tenant administrators)
gen.the Union's external actionacțiunea externă a Uniunii
gen.Unit for External Offices ManagementUnitatea Administrare clădiri - Birouri externe
polit.Unit for External RelationsUnitatea de relații externe
construct.work of external forceslucru mecanic al forțelor exterioare
gen.Working Party on External Fisheries PolicyGrupul de lucru pentru politica externă privind pescuitul