
Terms containing target | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSBasic TargetPaprastasis taikinys (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show containment, gradations, or hierarchical relationships. The first five lines of Level 1 text are associated with a circle. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts)
commer., ITbehavioural targetingvartotojų elgesiu grindžiama reklama
fin.budgetary targetbiudžeto tikslas
gen.Command, Control, Communications, Computers C4, Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance ISTARvadovavimas, kontrolė, ryšiai, kompiuteriai C4 ir žvalgyba, sekimas, taikinio aptikimas ir išžvalgymas ISTAR
gen.Common Staff Targetbendras personalo tikslas
gen.Community targetBendrijos tikslas
gen.Community targetBendrijos siekis
fin.deficit targetsiektinas deficitas
environ.emission abatement targetišmetamųjų teršalų kiekio mažinimo tikslas
environ.emission-reduction targetišmetamųjų teršalų kiekio mažinimo tikslas
environ., energ.ind.emissions intensity targettaršos intensyvumo tikslas
environ.environmental targetaplinkosaugos uždavinys
environ.environmental target Environmental elements of recognized importance which can be modified by the completion of a projectaplinkosauginis tikslas
fin.expenditure targetišlaidų paskirtis
environ., energ.ind.greenhouse gas intensity targettaršos intensyvumo tikslas
gen.ground targetantžeminis taikinys
gen.gun-target linelinija "pabūklas-taikinys"
gen.headline targetpagrindinis tikslas
gen.intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissancežvalgyba, sekimas, taikinio aptikimas ir išžvalgymas
environ., energ.ind.intensity targettaršos intensyvumo tikslas
econ., lab.law.Lisbon objectives and targetsLisabonos tikslai
econ., lab.law.Lisbon targetsLisabonos tikslai
fin., ITmarket target pricenuorodinė rinkos kaina
comp., MSMultiple Render TargetsKelios vaizdų generavimo paskirties vietos (In computer graphics, a technique which submits different colours to multiple output colour buffers in a single pass writing up to four different colour values to four separate buffers)
comp., MSNested TargetĮdėtasis taikinys (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show containment relationships. Each of the first three lines of Level 1 text correspond to the upper left text in the shapes, and Level 2 text corresponds to the smaller shapes. Works best with minimal Level 2 lines of text. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts)
environ.no-lose targetneprivalomas tikslas
gen.non-target arthropodsnetiksliniai nariuotakojai
environ.non-target organism A plant or animal other than the one against which the pesticide is appliednetikslinis organizmas
health.non-target volumeapšvitos dozė ne taikinyje
IT, dat.proc.objectives and targetstikslai ir uždaviniai
comp., MSoffload targetatlaisvinimo paskirtis (The combination of miniport driver, intermediate driver(s) and hardware Network Interface Card (NIC) that is presented to the host stack as a single miniport device capable of offloading some functions from the host stack)
environ.one-way targetneprivalomas tikslas
fin.overnight target ratetikslinė vienos nakties palūkanų norma
IT, dat.proc.performance targetssiektini rezultatai
environ.positively binding targetneprivalomas tikslas
econ.production targetgamybos planas
fin., ITproduction target pricenuorodinė gamybos kaina
comp., MSrender targetvaizdų generavimo paskirties vieta (In computer graphics, an output buffer used when generating images)
transp., tech., lawring and spot targetdiafragma su išpjautu žiedu ir jo viduryje esančia dėme
comp., MSTarget ApplicationTikslinė taikomoji programa (An item stored in the Secure Store Service that maps users or groups to credentials needed to access external data or other resources)
comp., MStarget awardtikslinė premija (The amount of a variable compensation award that is calculated by the plan before company or individual performance is taken into account. The target award is what an employee will receive if all targets are reached)
comp., MStarget devicepaskirties įrenginys (" A device that receives an action specified by the OneCare administrator. For example, an external hard drive that is the designated the place for file backup would be considered to be the "target device" of the backup function. ")
econ., fin.target durationsiektina trukmė
econ., fin.target durationsiektina diuracija
gen.target factoratrankos faktorius
earth.sc., oiltarget formationtikslinė geologinė formacija
environ.target group A collection of people selected and approached by some entity for a variety of purposes, including assistance, recruitment, information dissemination, marketing and researchtikslinė grupė
gen.target grouptikslinė grupė
comp., MStarget incentive amounttikslinės skatinamosios premijos suma (A target award that is defined as a flat award of cash or stock according to compensation level)
comp., MStarget incentive percenttikslinės skatinamosios premijos procentas (A target award that is defined as a percent of a basis and provided in cash or stock according to compensation level. The basis is usually the annualized fixed pay rate, but can also be a midpoint, control point, or other compensation range reference point)
comp., MStarget increasetikslinės premijos padidinimas (The increase of a variable compensation award that is calculated by the plan before company or individual performance is taken into account. The target increase represents the award that an employee will receive if all targets are reached)
chem.target iontikslinis jonas
comp., MSTarget ListTaikinių sąrašas (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show interrelated or overlapping information. Each of the first seven lines of Level 1 text appears in the rectangular shape. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts. Works well with both Level 1 and Level 2 text)
commun., environ.target organismnaikinamas organizmas
fin.TARGET payment systemTranseuropinė automatizuota realaus laiko atskirųjų atsiskaitymų skubių pervedimų sistema
gen.TARGET payment systemTARGET sistema
comp., MStarget PCpaskirties PC (" A computer that receives an action specified by the OneCare administrator. For example, a computer that is the designated the place for file backup would be considered to be the "target PC" of the backup function. ")
ed.target populationtikslinė populiacija
econ.target pricenuorodinė kaina
earth.sc., oiltarget rock formationtikslinė geologinė formacija
IT, dat.proc.target setnurodyta užduotis
environ.target setting Establishing or determining environmental goals or objectivestikslo nustatymas
transp., tech., mater.sc.target speedprivalomasis greitis
el.target systempasirinkta sistema
fin.TARGET systemTranseuropinė automatizuota realaus laiko atskirųjų atsiskaitymų skubių pervedimų sistema
gen.TARGET systemTARGET sistema
transp., tech., lawtarget testžiedinės diafragmos bandymas
pharma., IT, dat.proc.target tissuetiriamasis audinys
gen.target tissuestiriami audiniai
health.target volumetaikinio apšvitos dozė
environ.20-20-20 targetstikslai "20-20-20"
IT, tech.test targetbandomasis audinys