
Terms for subject Microsoft containing write | all forms | exact matches only
BitLocker on-write encryptioncriptografia BitLocker ao gravar (A BitLocker feature that incrementally encrypts the hard drive as free space is used)
BitLocker on-write encryptionencriptação BitLocker durante a gravação (A BitLocker feature that incrementally encrypts the hard drive as free space is used)
copy on writecópia em gravação (Page protection that allows multiple applications to map their virtual address spaces to share the same physical pages until an application needs to modify the page and have its own instance copy, which allows the virtual memory manager to save memory and execution time)
copy-on-write page protectionproteção de página contra gravação de cópia (A concept that allows multiple applications to map their virtual address spaces to share the same physical pages, until an application needs to modify the page and have its own instance copy)
gather-write operationoperação gather-write (A performance optimization where the Database Engine collects multiple modified data pages into a single write operation)
Read+Write permissionpermissão de leitura e gravação (A designation that indicates that certain users or roles have both Read and Write permissions to an object or data set)
write accessacesso para gravação (A privilege on a computer system that allows a user to save, change, or delete stored data. Write access is usually set by the system administrator for a networked or server system and by the owner of the computer for a stand-alone machine)
write accessacesso de escrita (A privilege on a computer system that allows a user to save, change, or delete stored data. Write access is usually set by the system administrator for a networked or server system and by the owner of the computer for a stand-alone machine)
write-ahead loglog write-ahead (A transaction logging method in which the log is always written prior to the data)
write backfazer write-back (To update a cube cell value, member, or member property value)
write-behind providerprovedor write-behind (An assembly that is associated with an AppFabric cache that is called to asynchronously write cache updates to a custom backend store)
write conflictconflito de gravação (A situation that occurs when a user is trying to make simultaneous changes to the same object or simultaneous changes to other objects that have attributes referencing this object)
write conflictconflito de escrita (A situation that occurs when a user is trying to make simultaneous changes to the same object or simultaneous changes to other objects that have attributes referencing this object)
write-down adjustmentajuste de desvalorização (An adjustment to decrease the value of a fixed asset for accounting purposes)
write-in productproduto fora do catálogo (A product that is manually added to quotes, orders, and invoices rather than selected from the Microsoft Dynamics CRM product catalog)
write-in productproduto acrescentado manualmente (A product that is manually added to quotes, orders, and invoices rather than selected from the Microsoft Dynamics CRM product catalog)
write modemodo de gravação (In computer operation, the state in which a program can write (record) information in a file. In write mode, the program is permitted to make changes to existing information)
write offdar baixa (To remove a debt that will not be paid by a party)
write on wallescrever no mural (To post a message on a friend's Facebook wall)
Write permissionpermissão de gravação (A designation that indicates that certain users or roles may enter data, make edits, or modify the properties of a form or report)
write-protectproteger contra gravação (To prevent the writing (recording) of information, usually on a disk)
write-protectproteger contra escrita (To prevent the writing (recording) of information, usually on a disk)
write-protectedprotegido contra gravação (Pertaining to a disk to which content cannot be recorded)
write scopeescopo de gravação (The administrative boundary in which members of an Exchange 2010 role group can make changes. For the Outlook Live hosted service, the write scope is the entire Outlook Live organization. For on-premises implementations of Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, write scopes may be smaller in breadth, such as those defined by a specific organizational unit or a database)
write scopeâmbito de escrita (The administrative boundary in which members of an Exchange 2010 role group can make changes. For the Outlook Live hosted service, the write scope is the entire Outlook Live organization. For on-premises implementations of Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, write scopes may be smaller in breadth, such as those defined by a specific organizational unit or a database)
write-up adjustmentajuste de valorização (An adjustment to increase the value of a fixed asset for accounting purposes)
writing areaárea de escrita (Any area where you can enter handwriting to be converted to typed text and inserted in a program)