
Terms containing shape | all forms | exact matches only
transp.arrow shapeforma de flecha
comp., MS, Braz.assistant shapeforma de assistente (In an organization chart, a shape that is placed below and connected to any other shape with an elbow connector. This shape is placed above any additional subordinate shapes for the particular superior shape it is attached to)
commun., industr., construct.atlas shapeformato atlântico
el.beam-shapingformatação do feixe
mech.eng., el.blade shapeforma da pá
nat.sc., agric.body shapeexterior
med.bomb-shape of skullcrânio em forma de granada
industr., construct.box shapelado de caixa
comp., MSbreakdown shapeforma de divisão (A shape in a PivotDiagram, positioned along the connector between a parent PivotDiagram node and the children of that node)
industr.brick shapetijolo moldado
comp., MS, Braz.brush shapeforma de pincel (The form of a brush)
agric.butter shaping machinemáquinas para moldagem de manteiga
industr., construct.cake shapeforma para bolos
earth.sc., construct.canyon-shape factorfator de forma de canhão
agric.cart wheel shapetábua do queijo
agric.cart wheel shaperoda de queijo
agric.cart wheel shapebarra de queijo
IT, dat.proc.character shapeforma de caráter 
comp., MS, Braz.Click and Type pointer shapeforma de ponteiro Clicar e Digitar (A visual cue to indicate which formatting will be applied when you double-click: a left-aligned, centered, or right-aligned tab stop; a left indent; or left or right text wrapping)
comp., MS, Braz.closed shapeforma fechada (A shape that is surrounded by a continuous outline, such as a rectangle or circle)
met.cold shapingenformação a frio
industr., construct., chem.constriction shapingformação do estrangulamento
mech.eng.contour shaping machinemáquina de aplainar perfis
comp., MS, Braz.Convert to ShapeConverter em Forma (A feature that enables Tablet PC users to convert an ink drawing to a standard OfficeArt shape, which can be formatted with colors and effects exactly as if it were inserted using "Insert Shape.")
met., mech.eng.copy shapingaplainamento ou escateladura por cópia
comp., MS, Braz.coworker shapeforma de colega (In an organization chart, a shape next to another shape that is connected to the same superior (or manager) shape)
life.sc., el.crack shapeconfiguração da fratura
met.cross-sectional shapeforma da secção
tech., industr., construct.cutting knotted netting to shapecorte de redes com nós
comp., MS, Braz.2-D shapeforma 2D (A shape that has four selection handles that you can use to resize the shape proportionally)
comp., MS, Braz.1-D shapeforma 1D (Either a straight line you draw or a shape that has a beginning point and ending point and can be glued between two shapes to connect them)
el.D-shape plasmaplasma em forma de D
construct.deck in the shape of a flat archsuperfície de cobertura em arco abatido
life.sc., coal.description of the shape of a depositdescrição do estado do depósito
industr., construct.deviation from stated shapeempeno
comp., MS, Braz.diamond-shape relationshiprelação em forma de losango (A chain of attribute relationships that splits and rejoins but that contains no redundant relationships. For example, Day ->Month ->Year and Day ->Quarter ->Year have the same start and end points, but do not have any common relationships)
transp., mater.sc.distorted shapeforma distorcida
gen.E-shape setupdisposição em E
dat.proc., life.sc.ear shape recognitionreconhecimento da orelha
dat.proc., life.sc.ear shape recognitionreconhecimento da forma da orelha
tech., industr., construct.equipment for shaping with saturated steam under pressuremaquinaria para moldagem com vapor saturado sob pressão
tech., industr., construct.equipment for shaping with saturated steam under pressuremaquinaria para moldagem com vapor saturado
tech., industr., construct.equipment for shaping with watermáquina de termofixar com água quente
tech., industr., construct.equipment for shaping with watermaquinaria para moldagem com água
tech., industr., construct.equipment for shaping with water under pressuremaquinaria para moldagem com água sob pressão
tech., industr., construct.equipment for shaping with water under pressureautoclave de termofixação
fin.essential shapeforma essencial
el.filter shapeforma do filtro
el.firing-pulse wave shapeforma de onda do impulso de disparo
earth.sc.flux shapeforma do fluxo
met., mech.eng.form shapingescatelagem de forma
met., mech.eng.form shapingaplainamento ou escateladura de forma
el.frequency shapinglinearização em frequência
commun.general shape of the spectrum envelopeforma geral da envolvente do espetro 
met.grain shapeforma do grão
el.groove shapeperfil do sulco
commun.handset shapeforma do microtelefone
industr., construct.hat body blocked to shapeesboço enformado
industr., construct.hat body blocked to shape"cloche" enformada
industr., construct.hat-shapeforma para chapéus
law, social.sc.have a permanent stake in shaping -ser participante
commun., el.heart shape diagramdiagrama em forma de coração
commun., el.heart shape diagramdiagrama cardioide
commun., el.heart shape receptionreceção cardioide
met.heavy shapeperfis pesados
met.hot shaping by hammer forging or drop forgingtrabalho a quente por forjagem com martelo ou por estampagem
construct.hydraulic shapeperfil hidráulico
fish.farm.hydrodynamic shapeforma hidrodinâmica
met.irregular punched shapecortes irregulares a punção
met.lamellar shapeforma lamelar
met.lamellar shapeestrutura lamelar
met.light shapeperfis leves
earth.sc.low energy shapeforma a baixa energia
mech.eng.machine for making gears by changing the shape or form of metalmáquina para fabricação de engrenagens por deformação dos metais
industr.machine-tool for planing/shapingmáquina-ferramenta para aplainar
met.machining tolerance and shape tolerancetolerância de maquinagem e tolerância de forma
commun., ITmacroscopic shape of the spectrumforma macroscópica do espetro 
comp., MS, Braz.master shapeforma mestra (A shape on a stencil that you use repeatedly to create drawings. When you drag a shape from a stencil onto the drawing page, the shape becomes an instance of that master)
scient.mode shapeforma modal
mater.sc.near net shape formingenformação na forma de produto semiacabado
mater.sc.near net shapingprocesso de enformação quase definitiva
nat.sc.near-net-shape productionprodução "Near Net Shape"
mater.sc.net shape formingenformação na forma de produto acabado
nat.sc.net shapingprocesso de modelação definitiva
mater.sc.net shapingprocesso de enformação definitiva
el.noise shapingmodelação do ruído
commun.oblong shapeformato oblongo
mech.eng.offset shapingdeslocamento dos eixos
commun., ITone-second pulse of constant shapeimpulso de um segundo de forma constante
comp., MS, Braz.open shapeforma aberta (A shape such as a line, arc, or zigzag. You can format an open shape with line patterns and ends, such as by changing a solid line to a dashed line and adding an arrow to one end)
industr., construct., met.out of shapeovalizado
industr., construct., met.out of shapeempenado
industr., construct., met.out of shapedeformado
industr., construct.particle shapeforma da partícula
agric.pelleting according to shapegranulação morfológica
gen.permanent EU Cell at SHAPECélula da UE no SHAPE
comp., MS, Braz.placeable shapeforma posicionável (A 2-D shape that is set to work with routable connectors and automatic layout. If a shape is set as placeable, a routable connector can detect and avoid crossing through it)
agric.plaited shapeforma con entrançada
lab.law.planing/shaping machine operatorcondutor de máquinas de aplainar-metais
tech., industr., construct.pre-shaping autoclavemaquinaria para moldagem com água sob pressão
gen.processing, conversion or shaping of orestratamento,transformação ou elaboração de minérios
met.profile shapeperfil
el.pulse shapeforma do impulso
earth.sc.pulse shape discriminatordiscriminador de forma
earth.sc.pulse shape selectorseletor de forma
commun.pulse shapingconfiguração de impulsos
commun., el.pulse-shaping circuitcircuito modulador de impulsos
el.pulse-shaping circuitcircuito de modelação de impulsos
el.pulse-shaping circuitcircuito conformador de impulsos
mech.eng.punch forming and shaping machinelimador de máquinar buris
met.punched shaperecortado com punção
met.quality suitable for cold shaping on rollersqualidade para execução de perfis a frio em máquinas de rolos
el.rectangular pulse shapeimpulso retangular 
mech.eng.refractory shapebloco refratário
industr., construct., chem.refractory shapebloco refractário
industr., construct., chem.rim shapingrecortar um bordo
industr., construct., chem.rim shapingformação do bordo
chem.set shapingconformação a frio
comp., MSshape adaptationadaptação de forma (The process of training the recognizer to associate a specific shape with a given character. This "personalizes" a recognizer in that it learns to map a very specific shape to a character, rather than a whole set of shapes from various writers)
commun., ITshape analysisanálise de formas
chem., el.shape blocktijolo de forma especial
met.shape by cuttingtrabalhar por ferramenta cortante
met.shape by cuttingtrabalhar por corte
met.shape by stock removaltrabalhar por levantamento de apara
met.shape by stock removaltrabalhar por arranque de apara
comp., MSShape ClientCliente de Formas (The recognizer specific part of the shape trainer. Typically every recognizer claiming to support shape personalization must supply a Shape Client DLL. All the Microsoft Latin recognizers will all use the same Shape Client)
earth.sc.shape coefficientfator de forma
comp., MS, Braz.shape connector linelinha de conexão de formas (A line used to link shapes and to determine their relative order in an orchestration)
el.shape correction factorfator de correção de forma
industr., construct., chem.shape cutting machinemáquina de corte com escantilhão
comp., MSshape dataDados da Forma (The collection of custom properties for a shape)
earth.sc., el.shape dragforça de resistência devida à forma
el.shape factorfator de forma
earth.sc., mech.eng.shape factorfator de ângulo
commun., ITshape from textureforma a partir da textura
commun., ITshape-from-shading problemproblema de dedução da forma a partir das sombras
ed.shape gamejogo de encaixar
comp., MS, Braz.shape-level validationvalidação no nível das formas (The act of checking a visual workflow to ensure that the shapes and connections are valid)
comp., MSshape-level validationvalidação a nível de forma (The act of checking a visual workflow to ensure that the shapes and connections are valid)
comp., MS, Braz.Shape ManagerGerenciador de Formas (The recognizer independent part of the shape trainer. It provides simple services to the Shape Client (EXE))
comp., MSShape ManagerGestor de Formas (The recognizer independent part of the shape trainer. It provides simple services to the Shape Client (EXE))
met.shape memorizing steelaço com memória de forma
econ.shape-memory alloyliga com memória
gen.shape of a new Europenova ordem continental
lawshape of goodsforma do produto
agric.shape of hamforma do presunto
industr., construct.shape of particleforma da partícula
industr., construct.shape of pressure barperfil da barra de pressão
construct.shape of reservoir basinforma a bacia hidrográfica
life.sc.shape of the earthforma da Terra
agric.shape of the seedformas de sementes
life.sc.shape of the skyforma aparente do céu
math.shape parameterparâmetro de forma
industr., construct., chem.shape permanence to heatestabilidade dimensional ao aquecimento
agric.shape pruningpoda de formação
chem.shape-selective catalysiscatálise seletiva de forma
comp., MS, Braz.Shape toolferramenta Forma (A tool that allows you to draw a shape such as a rectangle, ellipse (circle), line, etc)
comp., MS, Braz.shape-to-shape connectionconexão de forma a forma (A method of connecting shapes. The actual point of connection might change when you move the connected shapes. You make shape-to-shape connections by dragging a connector from the center of one shape to the center of another shape)
comp., MS, Braz.shape trainertreinador de forma (A feature that helps improve the recognition of a user's handwriting by a process in which the user provides samples for shapes that are associated with given characters, in order to teach the recognizer which shapes should be recognized as which character)
comp., MSshape traineraprendizagem de formas (A feature that helps improve the recognition of a user's handwriting by a process in which the user provides samples for shapes that are associated with given characters, in order to teach the recognizer which shapes should be recognized as which character)
gen.to shape up the slagengrossar a escória
industr., construct.shaping and processing of flat glasspreparação e transformação do vidro plano
industr.shaping and processing of hollow glasspreparação e transformação do vidro côncavo
industr., construct., met.shaping blockmaço
met.shaping by cuttingtrabalho por ferramenta cortante
met.shaping by stock removaltrabalho por levantamento de apara
commun.shaping circuitcircuito de configuração
commun.shaping circuitcircuito de distorção
earth.sc., el.shaping diemolde
el.shaping filterfiltro de modelação
industr., construct., mech.eng.shaping lathetorneador
mech.eng.shaping machineplaina-limadora
mech.eng.shaping machinelimador
met.shaping machinelimadora
industr., construct.shaping mould for glassmakers'lathesforma para torno de vidreiro
earth.sc., el.shaping networkcircuito corretor
industr., construct.shaping panelpainel em forma
mech.eng.shaping toolferramenta de escatelar
industr., construct., met.shaping toolroda para retificar
mech.eng.shaping widthcurso máximo longitudinal da mesa
met., mech.eng.shaping with generating motionmaquinagem com ferramenta pinhão
met., mech.eng.shaping with generating motionmaquinagem com ferramenta cremalheira
met.shaping without stock removalmaquinagem sem levantamento de apara
commun., ITsignal-shaping filterfiltro de conformação de sinal
commun., el.signal-shaping networkrede corretora de distorção
comp., MS, Braz.simple shapeforma simples (A shape in an orchestration that cannot be collapsed and cannot contain other shapes)
math.size and shapedimensão e forma
el.skew-symmetrical sigmoidal shapeforma sigmoide de simetria oblíqua
gen.Spanish flower shapeflor espanhola
chem., el.special brick shapetijolo de forma especial
industr.special shapetijolo moldado
el.spectral shapeforma espetral 
construct.standard shapeforma normalizada
met., construct.steel structure of cold rolled shapesestrutura em aço em perfis laminados a frio
met.stone shaping blowpipemaçarico para o trabalho de rochas com chama supersónica
met.stone shaping by flamemodulagem de rochas com chama
met.stone shaping torchmaçarico para o trabalho de rochas com chama supersónica
comp., MS, Braz.storyboard shapeforma de storyboard (A shape or graphical object that has been added to a storyboard or to a storyboard shapes file)
comp., MS, Braz.subordinate shapeforma subordinada (In an organization chart, a shape that is placed below and connected to a superior (or manager) shape)
met.suitability for cold shaping on rollersaptidão à enformação sobre rolos
comp., MS, Braz.superior shapeforma de superior (In an organization chart, a shape that is placed above and connected to any other shape, such as an employee (subordinate or coworker shape) or assistant shape)
transp.swept shapeforma de flecha
gen.T-shape setupdisposição em T
mater.sc.technology for shaping componentstecnologia de enformação de componentes
met.the shape of the surface can be ribbed, checkereda forma da superfície pode ser nervurada,estriada
mech.eng.tooth shapeperfil do dente
mech.eng.tooth shapeforma do dente
el.tube bent into shapetubo curvo
gen.U-shape setupdisposição em U
gen.V-shape setupdisposição em sala de aula em V
industr., construct.vacuum shapingmoldagem por vácuo
earth.sc., mech.eng.vane shapeforma da pá
met.vertical shaping machineescatelador
environ.wastes from shaping including forging, welding, pressing, drawing, turning, cutting and filingresíduos de moldagem fundição, soldadura, prensagem, estampagem, torneamento, corte e fresagem
commun.waveform shapeforma de onda