
Terms for subject Non-governmental organizations containing programmes | all forms
AIDS Programs of the National Minority Aids CouncilAPNMAC
Annual Conference Program CommitteeACPC
Association Of Air Medical Membership ProgramsAAMMP
Celebrate Recovery Outreach ProgramCROP
Child Care Food ProgramCCFP
Christian Relief And Overseas ProgramCROP
Christian Rural Oversees ProgramCROP
Coleman A. Young Scholars ProgramCAYSP
Collaborative Programs of Excellence in AutismCPEA
Community Partners Network ProgramCPNP
Conservation Buyers ProgramCBS
Coral Parks ProgramCPP
Designated Grant ProgramDGP
Detroit Area Pre College Engineering ProgramDAPCEP
Embrace- A- Wish ProgramEAWP
Eviction Diversion and Prevention ProgramORE-DAP (iwona)
Guild Alliance ProgramGAP
Handicapped Equestrian Learning ProgramHELP
Hartman Child and Family Scholars ProgramHCFSP
Johnson County Nutrition ProgramJCNP
Kentucky Transitional Assistance ProgramKTAP (iwona)
Landscape Ecology Awards ProgramLEAP
Malawi Child Lung Health ProgramMCLHP
Migrant Legal Action ProgramMLAP
Monroe County Opportunity ProgramMCOP
National Marrow Donor ProgramNMDP
National Program Fund InitiativeNPFI
National Spina Bifida ProgramNSBP
Northwest Community ProgramNCP
Pacific Island Health Care ProgramPIHCP
Pre- College Initiative ProgramPCIP
Programme CommitteePC
Raptor Conservation ProgramRCP
River Rat Scholarship ProgramRRSP
Scholarship Assistance ProgramSAP
Ship for World Youth ProgramSWY
Singapore Volunteers Overseas ProgrammeSVO
Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur Development ProgramSNDNDP
Spay Neuter Assistance ProgramSNAP
Synchronous Membership ProgramSMP
Tragedy Assistance Program for SurvivorsTAPS
Translational- Clinical Grant ProgramTCGP
Vessel Donation ProgramVDP
Vietnam Veterans of America Michigan State Council Veterans Benefits and Service ProgramVVAMSCVBSP
Volunteer Fire Assistance ProgramVFAP
Volunteer Investment ProgramVIP
Volunteer Investment Program GrantVIPG
World Community Autism ProgramWCAP
Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention ProgramYRSPP
Young Composers ProgramYCP