
Terms containing force | all forms | exact matches only
abbr., scottishAir Force Capability Assessment ProgramAFCAP (USAF)
abbr., scottishAir Force Designated Acquisition ProgramAFDAP (USAF)
abbr., mil., BrEAir Force Directorate of Personal ProgramsAFDPP
mil., abbr.Air Force Engineering Services AgencyAFESA
mil., abbr.Air Force Engineering Services CenterAFESC
abbr., scottishAir Force Engineering & Services Management Engineering TeamAFESMET (USAF)
abbr., scottishAir Force Intelligence Reserve programmeAFIR (USAF)
mil., abbr.Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training CorpsAFJROTC
abbr., scottishAir Force Junior Reserve Officers Training CorpsAFJROTC (USAF)
mil., abbr.Air Force Junior Reserve Officers' Training CorpsAFJROTC
abbr., scottishAir Force Legal Services AgencyAFLSA (USAF)
mil., abbr.Air Force Legal Services CenterAFLSC
mil., abbr.Air Force Mortuary Services OfficeAFMSO
abbr., scottishAir Force Potential Contractor ProgramAFPCP (USAF)
mil., abbr.Air Force ProgramAFP
abbr., scottishAir Force Program Executive OfficeAFPEO (USAF)
mil., abbr.Air Force Program Review CommitteeAFPRC
abbr., scottishAir Force Recruiter Assistance ProgramAFRAP (USAF)
abbr., scottishAir Force Rescue Co-ordination CenterAFRCC (USAF)
abbr., scottishAir Force's Co-ordinating Office for Logistics ResearchAFCOLR (USAF)
mil., abbr.Air Force Satellite Intelligence ProgramAFSIP
abbr., scottishAir Force Services OfficeAFSO (USAF)
abbr., scottishCounter-Force Autonomous Surveillance & Targeting programmeC-FAST (USAF)
abbr., scottishForce Anti-Air Co-ordination AreaFAACA
abbr., scottishForce Anti-Air Warfare Co-ordinatorFAAWC
mil., abbr.Force-Closure Analysis ProgramF-CAP
mil., abbr.Force Management ProgramFMP
mil., abbr.Force Modernization ProgramFMP
mil., abbr.Force Program ReviewFPR
mil., abbr.Force Programs SectionFPS
mil., abbr.Force XXI Training ProgramFXXITP
abbr., scottishLong Term Force ProgrammesLTFP (NATO)
abbr., scottishMajor Force ProgramMFP (USA)
mil., abbr.Major Force ProgramMFP
abbr., scottishNational Strike Force Co-ordination CenterNSFCC (USA)
abbr., med.United States Preventive Services Task ForceUSPSTF (Профилактическая служба США, Независимая группа экспертов в области здравоохранения, Рабочая группа по профилактике заболеваний kat_j)
USAVietnam Air Force Improvement and Modernization ProgramVNAF I&M
comp., abbr.Web Services Internationalization Task ForceWSITF
comp., net., abbr.Web Services Task ForceWSTF
busin., abbr.Work Force Employee ProgramWFEP