
Terms containing extension | all forms | exact matches only
mil., abbr.Autosevocom Life Cycle Extension ProgramALCEP
mil., abbr.Civil Defense University Extension ProgramCDUEP
mil., abbr.Cobra Fleet Life Extension ProgramC-FLEX
abbr., ITCommon filename extension000
abbr.external extension numberexternal ext number (ssn)
abbr., comp., net.LAN Resource Extension and ServicesLANRES
abbr., tech.Life Extension ServicesLES (Yuriy Melnikov)
comp., MSMultipurpose Internet Mail Extension Hypertext Markup LanguageMicrosoft Exchange Unified Messaging Service (A standard method for sending an HTML document encapsulated with inline graphics, applets, linked documents, and other items referred to in the HTML document)
abbr., comp., net.Multipurpose Internet Main Extensions Object Security ServicesMOSS
univer., abbr.Optometric Extension Program FoundationOEP
univer., abbr.Optometry Extension ProgramOEP
abbr., scottishService Life Extension/Enhancement ProgramSLEP (USA)
IT, abbr.Set Normal Response Mode ExtensionSNRME (SNRME)
abbr., scottishShip Life Extension ProgrammeSLEP (UK)
IT, abbr.WOSA eXtensions for Financial ServicesWOSAXFS (WOSA, MS)
IT, abbr.WOSA eXtensions for Financial ServicesWOSA X FS (WOSA, MS)