
Terms containing Office | all forms | exact matches only
tech., abbr.Accident Source Term Program OfficeASTPO
abbr., postAddress Program Support OfficeAPS (Office of Operations Support)
mil., abbr.Advanced Aircraft Programs OfficeAAPO
abbr., scottishAdvanced Composites Programs OfficeACPO (USA)
mil., abbr.Advanced Space Program OfficeASPO
mil., abbr.Air Force Mortuary Services OfficeAFMSO
abbr., scottishAir Force Program Executive OfficeAFPEO (USAF)
abbr., scottishAir Force Services OfficeAFSO (USAF)
abbr., scottishAir Force's Co-ordinating Office for Logistics ResearchAFCOLR (USAF)
transp., avia.air traffic services reporting officeARO
abbr., avia.Air Traffic Services Reporting OfficeARO (vp_73)
abbr., scottishAir-Land Programs OfficeALPO (USA)
mil., abbr.Area Joint Blood Program OfficeAJBPO
mil., abbr.Armed Services Community Housing OfficeASCHO
mil., abbr.Armed Services Graves Registration OfficeASGRO
abbr., scottishArmed Services Medical Regulating OfficeASMRO (USA)
mil., abbr.Armed Services Medical Regulating OfficeASMRO
abbr., scottishArmed Services Procurement OfficeASPO
mil., abbr.Armed Services Procurement Planning OfficeASPPO
mil., abbr.Armed Services Production Planning OfficeASPPO
mil., abbr.Army Aeronautical Services OfficeAASO
mil., abbr.Army Model Improvement Program Management OfficeAMMO
abbr., mil., WMDArmy Product Engineering Services OfficeAPESO
mil., abbr.Army Program Executive Office for Strike CommandSTRI
abbr., mil.Army Programme OfficeAPO (qwarty)
mil., abbr.Army Space Program OfficeASPO
abbr., scottishAtomic Co-ordinating OfficeACO (Washington DC; W)
ocean., abbr.AWIPS Program OfficeAPO
mil., abbr.Ballistic Missile Defense Program OfficeBMDPO
mil., abbr.BMEWS system program officeBSPO
univer., abbr.Business And Office Student ServicesBOSS
abbr., scottishCentral MASINT Technology Co-ordinating OfficeCMTCO (USA)
mil., abbr.Community Open Source Program Office CotangentCOSPO
abbr., comp., net.Computing Services OfficeCSO
abbr., mil., WMDCooperative Threat Reduction Program OfficeCTRPO
USACoordinating Tax Services OfficeCTSO
abbr., mil., WMDCTR Program OfficeCTRPO
IT, abbr.Dedicated Office Systems and ServicesDOSS
mil., abbr.Deep Attack Program OfficeDAPO
energ.ind., abbr.Defence Facilities Decommissioning Program OfficeDFDPO
abbr., scottishDefense Contract Administration Services OfficeDCASO (USA)
mil., abbr.Defense Dissemination Program OfficeDDPO
abbr., mil., commer.Defense Product Engineering Services OfficeDPESO
mil., abbr.Defense Program Management OfficeDPMO
mil., abbr.Defense SAAMS Program Management OfficeDSPMO
mil., abbr.Defense Support Program OfficeDSPO
abbr., mil., WMDDeputy Director Acquisition Policy and Program Integration for Acquisition Systems Management, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for AcquisitionDep Dir, ASM
abbr., mil., WMDDirector of Acquisition Program Integration, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for AcquisitionDir, API
mil., abbr.DOD IPv6 Transition OfficeDITO
abbr., astronaut.Earthnet Programme OfficeEPO (ESA)
abbr.Energy Innovation Programme OfficeEIPO (igisheva)
softw., abbr.Enterprise Architecture Program Management OfficeEAPMO
ecol., abbr.Environmental Protection Agency - Office of Water ProgramsEPA-OWP
ecol., abbr.Estuarine Programs OfficeEPO
abbr.Food Security Program and Disaster Prevention Coordination OfficeFSPDPCO (Дюнан)
abbr., scottishGeneral Defence Intelligence Programme officeGDIP (USA)
univer., abbr.Graduate Programs OfficeGPO
IT, abbr.Information Technology Standards Program OfficeITSPO (organization, USA)
abbr., insur.Insurance Services OfficeISO
tradem., abbr.Insurance Services Office, Inc.ISO
mil., abbr.Integrated Program OfficeIPO
mil., abbr.Intelligence Program Management OfficeIPMO
mil., abbr.Intelligence Support Program OfficeISPO
mil., abbr.International Program OfficeIPO
abbr., scottishInternational Programme OfficeIPO
mil., abbr.Joint Advance Signal Intelligence Program OfficeJASPO
mil., abbr.Joint Airborne SIGINT Program OfficeJASPO
mil., abbr.Joint Blood Program OfficeJBPO
abbr., mil.Joint Program Executive OfficeJPEO (qwarty)
abbr., scottishJoint Program Management OfficeJPMO (USA)
mil., abbr.Joint Program Management OfficeJPMO
abbr., scottishJoint Program OfficeJPO (USA)
USAJoint Program OfficeJPO
abbr., scottishJoint Program Office Biological DefenseJPOBD (USA)
abbr., scottishJoint Service Cruise Missile Program OfficeJSCMPO (USAF & Navy)
mil., abbr.Joint Services Cruise Missile Program OfficeJSCMPO
mil., abbr.Joint Services OfficeJSO
abbr., scottishJoint Surface-Effect Ship Program OfficeJSESPO (USA)
mil., abbr.Joint System Program OfficeJSPO
mil., abbr.Joint Tactical Fusion Program Management OfficeJTFPMO
mil., abbr.Joint Tactical Fusion Program OfficeJTFPO
mil., abbr.Joint Tactical Missile Defense Program OfficeJTMDPO
mil., abbr.Joint Tactical UAV Program OfficeJTUPO
mil., abbr.Joint Theater Missile Defense Program OfficeJTMDPO
comp., MSMicrosoft® Office Groove® Enterprise ServicesMicrosoft Office Groove Enterprise Services (Microsoft Web-based tools designed for centrally managing smaller deployments of Microsoft Office Groove 2007 without any onsite server infrastructure)
mil., abbr.Military Blood Program OfficeMBPO
abbr., scottishNASP Joint Program OfficeNASP JPO (USA)
ecol., abbr.National Climate Program OfficeNCPO
abbr., cartogr.National Geospatial Program OfficeNGPO (Yuriy Sokha)
ocean., abbr.National Marine Pollution Program OfficeNMPPO
mil., abbr.NATO AEW Program OfficeNAPO
mil., abbr.NATO Sidewinder Program OfficeNSPO
abbr., scottishNaval Air Projects Co-ordination officeNAPC (USA)
abbr., scottishNaval Air System Program OfficeNASPO (USA)
mil., abbr.Naval Air System Program OfficeNASPO
IT, abbr.Office Automation Technology and ServicesOATS (OA)
IT, abbr.Office Automation Technology and ServicesOATS
transp., abbr.Office of Aircraft ServicesOAS
univer., abbr.Office Of Arts And Sciences Information ServicesOASIS
ocean., abbr.Office of Charting and Geodetic ServicesC&GS
NGO, abbr.Office of Children's OmbudsmanOCO
USAOffice of Community Oriented Policing ServicesCOPS
USAOffice of Community ServicesOCS
abbr., scottishOffice of Defense Co-ordinationODC (USA)
energ.ind., abbr.Office of Defense ProgramsDP
abbr., mil.Office of Director of Defense Program Analysis and EvaluationOffice of the Secretary of Defense
USAOffice of Federal Contract Compliance ProgramsOFCCP
abbr.Office of General ServicesOGS
ocean., abbr.Office of Global ProgramsOGP
polit., abbr.Office Of Hearings And Mediation ServicesOHMS
univer., abbr.Office of Instructional ServicesOIS
UN, abbr.Office of Internal Oversight ServicesOIOS
USAOffice of International ProgramsOIP
USAOffice of Justice ProgramsOJP
abbr.Office of Manpower Development ProgramOMDP
univer., abbr.Office of Marine ProgramsOMP
abbr.Office of Medical Assistance ProgramsOMAP
mil., abbr.Office of Military Assistance ProgramOMAP
USAOffice of Polar Programs at the National Science FoundationOPP
mil., abbr.Office of Preparedness, General Services AdministrationOP/GSA
mil., abbr.Office of Program Analysis and EvaluationOPAE
mil., abbr.Office of Program AppraisalOPA
mil., abbr.Office of Program Review and Resources ManagementOPRRM
USAOffice of Quality ProgramsOQP
NASA, abbr.Office of Quality ServicesOQS
USAOffice of Small Business ProgramsOSBP
ed., abbr.Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative ServicesOSERS
ed., abbr.Office of Special Education ProgramsOSEP
IT, abbr.Office of Strategic ServicesOSS (later CIA)
abbr., scottishOffice of Strategic ServicesOSS (Replaced by CIA)
FBI., abbr.Office of Strategic ServicesOSS
mil., abbr.Office of Support ServicesOSS
mil., abbr.Office of the Chief of Support ServicesOCSS
mil., abbr.Office of the Director of Aerospace ProgramsODAP
abbr., int. law.Office of the Directorate General of ProgrammesODGP (Ker-online)
abbr.Office Of The Insurance OmbudsmanOIO
USAOffice of the Iraq Program Oil for FoodOIP
abbr., mil., WMDOffice of the Program Manager for Chemical MunitionsOPMCM
mil., abbr.Office of the Secretary of Defense, Office of Director of Defense Program Analysis and EvaluationOSD
abbr.Office of Voluntary ProgramsOVP
univer., abbr.Office of Water ProgramsOWP
USAOffice of Workers' Compensation ProgramsOWCP
ed., abbr.Office of Youth ProgramsOYP
abbr.Office of Youth ServicesOYS
mil., abbr.Office, Services and Information AgencyOSIA
abbr., postOffice Workers' Compensation ProgramsOWCP
mil., abbr.Product Engineering Services OfficePESO
ITProgram and project management officeThe function responsible for supporting program and project managers, and gathering, assessing and reporting information about the conduct of their programs and constituent projects
abbr., mil., WMDProgram Evaluation and Integration OfficePEIO
mil., abbr.Program Executive OfficePEO
abbr., scottishProgram Executive Office - Cruise Missiles and UAVsPEO (US Navy; CU)
abbr., scottishProgram Executive Office/OfficerPEO
abbr., mil.Program Executive Office SoldierPEOS (qwarty)
abbr., scottishProgram Management OfficePMO (USA)
IT, abbr.Program Management OfficePMO (Sun, JCP)
NASA, abbr.Program Management OfficePMO
abbr., mil., WMDProgram Manager for Chemical Demilitarization-Environmental and Monitoring OfficePMCD-EMO
abbr., mil., WMDProgram Manager for Chemical Demilitarization-Public Affairs OfficePMCD-PAO
abbr., mil., WMDProgram Manager for Chemical Demilitarization-Risk Management and Quality Assurance OfficePMCD-RMQAO
abbr., mil., WMDProgram Manager's OfficePMO
abbr.Program OfficerPO (Alex Lilo)
abbr., mil., WMDProgram Office and Independent Life-Cycle Cost EstimatePO&ILCCE
abbr., mil., WMDProgram Office EstimatePOE
abbr., scottishRange Applications Joint Program OfficeRAJPO (USA)
mil., abbr.Range Applications Joint Program OfficeRAJPO
abbr., scottishRotorcraft Program OfficeRPO (USAF)
abbr., scottishSAMMS Program Management OfficeDSPMO (USA)
mil., abbr.SAMMS program management officeSPMO
abbr.Science Co-operation Office for South-East AsiaSEASCO
univer., abbr.Student Services OfficeSSO
abbr., scottishSystem Program OfficeSPO (USA)
tech., abbr.System Program OfficeSPO
abbr., mil., commer.System Program/Project OfficeSPO (Air Force)
mil., abbr.TACSIM Program OfficeTPO
mil., abbr.Target Materials Program OfficeTMPO
mil., abbr.Technical Program Integration Office for the Army Battlefield Command SystemTPIOABCS
mil., abbr.Technical Program Integration Office for the Army Battlefield Command SystemTPIO
abbr., astronaut., mil.Technology Transition OfficeTTO (USAF)
mil., abbr.TRADOC Program Integration OfficeTPIOABCS (Army Battlefield Command System)
mil., abbr.TRADOC Program Integration OfficeTPIO (Army Battlefield Command System)
abbr., scottishTri-lateral Program office, COBRATPC
meteorol., abbr.UCAR University Corporation For Atmospheric Research Office of ProgramsUOP
abbr., scottishUN Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian assistance to AfghanistanUNOCHA
univer., abbr.Undergraduate Programs OfficeUPO
abbr.United Nations Office for Project ServicesUNOPS
mil., abbr.Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Joint Program OfficeUAVJPO
abbr., scottishUS Navy International Program OfficeNIPO
abbr., scottishWIS, Joint Program Management OfficeWIS JPMO (USA)
ocean., abbr.WOCE Hydrographic Program OfficeWHPO