
Terms containing Network | all forms | exact matches only
IT, abbr.Academic Computing Services NETworkACSNET
IT, abbr.Account Network Management ProgramANMP
ITadvanced communication function/network control programACF/NCP (ssn)
IT, abbr.Advanced Communication Function / Network Control ProgramACFNCP (IBM, ACF)
IT, abbr.Advanced Communication Function / Network Control ProgramACF/NCP (IBM, ACF)
telecom., abbr.Advanced Network and Services, Inc.ANS
comp., abbr.Advanced Network ServicesANS
IT, abbr.Advanced Network & Services Inc.ANS (IBM, MCI. Merit, NFSnet)
abbr., ITAlcatel Network Services KazakhstanANSK
IT, abbr.AT&T Global Network ServicesAGNS (AT&T)
IT, abbr.BAY networks' Switched Internetworking ServicesBAYSIS
abbr., comp., MSBroadband Integrated Services Digital Network An International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication [Standardization Sector] (ITU-T) communication standard for high-speed networking that provides new services, including voice, video, and data on the same networkB-ISDN (Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network)
abbr., comp., net.Broadband Integrated Services Digital NetworkBISON
abbr., file.ext.Broadband Integrated Services Digital NetworkBISDN
IT, abbr.Broadband Integrated Services Digital NetworkBISDN (ATM)
IT, abbr.Broadband Integrated Services Digital NetworkB-ISDN (ATM)
telecom., abbr.Broadband Integrated Services Digital NetworkB-ISDN (ISDN)
IT, abbr.BroadBand Network ServicesBBNS
abbr., comp., net.Broadband Network ServicesBNS
abbr., scottishCaribbean Basin Radar Network, Extended programmeCBRN-E
gen.Community Partners Network ProgramCPNP
IT, abbr.Compuserve Network ServicesCNS (CIS)
abbr., mil., WMDComputer and Network ServicesCNS
abbr., mil., WMDComputer and Network Services BranchCNSB
ocean., abbr.Computer and Network Services DivisionCNSD
comp., net., abbr.Computing And Network ServicesCNS
tradem., abbr.Computing Network ServicesCNS
IT, abbr.Control Program / NETworkCPNET (CP/M, OS)
IT, abbr.Control Program / NETworkCP/NET (CP/M, OS)
abbr., scottishCo-operative Air & Missile Defence Exercise NetworkCAMDEN
abbr.Council of Regional Networks for Genetic ServicesCORN
comp., net., abbr.Coupled Augmented Transition NetworkCATN
USADefense Information Systems Network - Leading Edge ServicesDISN-LES
abbr., mil., commer.Defense Services NetworkDSN
comp., net., abbr.Digital Network ServicesDNS
IT, abbr.Enterprise Network ServicesENS (Banyan, VINES)
abbr., comp., net.Enterprise Network ServicesENS
sport., abbr.Entertainment Sport Program NetworkESPN
tradem., abbr.European Services NetworkESN
comp., net., abbr.Fddi Network ServicesFNS
IT, abbr.GSM Network for Improved access to Universal ServicesGNIUs (GSM, Europa)
comp., abbr.Hierarchical Transition NetworkHTN
comp., net., abbr.Information Network ServicesINS
energ.ind., abbr.Integrated CO2 NetworkICO2N
law, abbr.Integrated Dispatch Enhanced NetworkIDEN
abbr., comp., net.Integrated Services Academic NetworkISAN
mil., abbr.Integrated Services Data NetworkISDN
comp., MSIntegrated Services Digital Network A high-speed digital technology that uses existing telephone lines to provide Internet accessISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)
abbr., comp., MSIntegrated Services Digital Network A high-speed digital technology that uses existing telephone lines to provide Internet accessISDN
IT, abbr.Integrated Services Digital NetworkISDN (ITU)
metrol.integrated services digital networkFuture standard for integration of data highways and telephone networks
IT, abbr.Integrated Services Digital NetworkISDN (Telephony)
ITintegrated services digital networkA public end-to-end digital telecommunications network with signaling, switching and transport capabilities supporting a wide range of service accessed by standardized interfaces with integrated customer control (The standard allows transmission of digital voice, video and data over 64-Kpbs lines)
comp., MSIntegrated Services Digital NetworkISDN (A high-speed digital technology that uses existing telephone lines to provide Internet access)
abbr., file.ext.Integrated Services Digital NetworkISDN
mil., logist.integrated services digital networkNetwork using the digitization techniques in order to transmit, within the same infrastructure, several voice, data or image services. It permits the connection of telephonic equipment (automatic telephone exchange, telephone station), computers (terminals) as well as facsimile or videotex. Public digital network giving access, through a single line, to a whole series of services (telephone, telex, videotex, hardware, etc.). In France, the ISDN network is called NUMERIS. (FRA)
abbr., file.ext.Integrated Services Digital Network DSLIDSL
telecom., abbr.Integrated Services Digital Network User PartISDNUP
IT, abbr.Integrated Special Services NetworkISSN
mil., abbr.Intelligence Services Digital Network ISEIntelligence Support ElementISDN
abbr.International Conference on Multimedia Services and Access NetworksMSAN
univer., abbr.Interstate Network Of Science Programs Integrating Research And EducationINSPIRE
abbr., progr.invalid sub-network maskinvalid subnetwork mask (ssn)
abbr., progr.invalid sub-network maskinvalid sub-net mask (ssn)
progr.invalid sub network maskinvalid sub net mask (ssn)
abbr., scottishJoint Anti-Air Warfare Shore Co-ordination NetworkJAAWSC (NATO)
st.exch., abbr.Juniper Networks, Inc. optionsVWQ
abbr.Local area network Control ProgramLCP (Vosoni)
st.exch., abbr.Madge Networks, N. V. optionsVKM
abbr., postManagement Network ServicesMNS
IT, abbr.Multi-user ??? Program / NETworkMPNET (MP/M, CP/NET, OS)
IT, abbr.Multi-user ??? Program / NETworkMP/NET (MP/M, CP/NET, OS)
telecom., abbr.Narrowband Integrated Services Digital NetworkN-ISDN (ISDN)
IT, abbr.Narrowband Integrated-Services Digital NetworkNISDN (ISDN)
abbr.National Transition NetworkNTN
abbr.National Transition NetworkNTP
abbr., ITNetWare Core Protocol; Network Control ProgramNCP
comp., net., abbr.Network Access ServicesNAS
univer., abbr.Network And Academic Computing ServicesNACS
softw., abbr.Network Application ProgramNAP
abbr., ITNetwork Application Program InterfaceNAPI
IT, abbr.Network Application ServicesNAS (DEC)
abbr.network broadband servicenetwork broad-band service (ssn)
abbr.network broad-band servicenetwork broadband service (ssn)
IT, abbr.Network Communications Services InterfaceNCSI (Network Products Corp.)
abbr., file.ext.Network Control Processor/Program/ProtocolNCP
telecom., abbr.Network Control ProgramNCP (SNA, DNA)
IT, abbr.Network Control ProgramNCP (BBN, ARPANET)
comp., abbr.Network Control ProgramNCP
IT, abbr.Network Control Program / PointNCP (IBM)
comp., abbr.Network Control Program/ Virtual StorageNCP/VS
IT, abbr.Network Co-ordinatorNC (FidoNet)
IT, abbr.Network Facilities ServicesNFS
IT, abbr.Network Independent File Transfer ProgramNIFTP (FTP)
abbr., comp., net.Network Information ServicesNIS
IT, abbr.Network Information Services InfrastructureNISI
IT, abbr.Network MODEM ProgramNMP
abbr.network narrow-band servicenetwork narrowband service (ssn)
abbr.network narrowband servicenetwork narrow-band service (ssn)
abbr., comp., net.Network Open Services ArchitectureNOSA
abbr., comp., net.Network Open Services ArchitectureNOCA
abbr., commun.Network Operator ServicesNOS
mil., abbr.Network Program Determination ApplicationNPDA
abbr., astronaut., mil.Network Security Improvement ProgramNSIP (Army)
abbr.network service layernetwork service level (ssn)
abbr.network service levelnetwork service layer (ssn)
telecom.network service performanceNS performance (ssn)
mil., abbr.Network ServicesNS
abbr., comp., net.Network Services EngineNSE
IT, abbr.Network Services GroupNSG
IT, abbr.Network Services ProtocolNSP (DNA)
abbr., comp., net.Network Services ProtocolNSP
IT, abbr.Network Transport Services /2NTS/2 (IBM)
comp., abbr.Network Transport Services/2NTS/2
abbr., file.ext.Open Network Distribution ServicesONDS (IBM)
ed., abbr.Parent Infant Network for Educational ServicesPINES
IT, abbr.Private Integrated Services NetworkPISN (ECMA)
tradem., abbr.Public Information Network For Electronic ServicesPINES
telecom.QoS parameters which express network service performanceQoS parameters which express NS performance (ssn)
telecom.QOS-parameters which express network service performanceQOS-parameters which express NS performance (ssn)
comp., net., abbr.Recursive Transition NetworkRTN
abbr., energ.ind.Residential Energy Services Network USRESNET (dnv)
abbr., comp.Rural Development Services NetworkRDSN (LyuFi)
abbr.Russian Association for Networks and ServicesRANS (www.itu.int - AD Alexander Demidov)
abbr.Sakhalin Technical Services NetworkSTSN (ABelonogov)
abbr., comp., net.Secure Network ServicesSNS
busin., abbr.Securities Clearing Automated Network ServicesSCANS
NASA, abbr.Software Program Managers NetworkSPMN
abbr., astronaut., mil.Space Surveillance Network Improvement ProgramSSNIP
busin., abbr.Sponsored Programs Information NetworkSPIN
aeron., abbr.Structural Network Analysis ProgramSNAP
abbr., progr.sub network masksubnet mask (ssn)
abbr., progr.sub network masksub net mask (ssn)
IT, abbr.System and Network Administration ProgramSNAP
IT, abbr.System Services Control Point Network ServicesSSCPNS (SSCP)
abbr., comp., net.Systems Network Architecture Distributed ServicesSNADS
abbr., comp., net.Systems Network Architecture/Management ServicesSNA/MS
ed., abbr.Technology Network ProgramTNP
IT, abbr.Tracing Authors' rights by Labelling Image Services and Monitoring Access NetworkTALISMAN (project, Europa)
abbr., comp., net.Trusted Product and Network Evaluation ProgramTPEP
mil., abbr.Universal Network Architecture ServicesUNAS
abbr., ITValue Added Network ServicesVANS
abbr., telecom.variable-length sub-network maskvariable-length subnetwork mask (ssn)
abbr., telecom.variable-length sub-network maskvariable-length subnet mask (ssn)
abbr., telecom.variable-length sub-network maskvariable-length sub-net mask (ssn)
telecom., abbr.Vermont Internet Services and Technology Access NetworkVISTAnet
abbr., tel.Virtual Private Network Services ModuleVPNSM (Yakov)
tradem., abbr.Web & Network Services GroupWNSG
abbr., file.ext.Wide-Area Network Interface Co-ProcessorWNIC
USAWireless Network Access ServicesWNAS
busin., abbr.Work Incentives Transition NetworkWITN
busin., abbr.Worker Co-operative Developers' NetworkWCDN
abbr.Workshop on Applications and Services in Wireless NetworksASWN
tradem., abbr.World Network ServicesWNS
comp., net., abbr.World Standards Services NetworkWSSN
tradem., abbr.WorldWide Network Services, Inc.WWNS
abbr., comp., net.Xerox Network ServicesXNS
IT, abbr.Xerox Network Services - Internet Datagram ProtocolXNSIDP (Xerox, Internet, XNS)
IT, abbr.Xerox Network Services - Internet Datagram ProtocolXNS-IDP (Xerox, Internet, XNS)
IT, abbr.Xerox Network Services / Systems / StandardXNS (Xerox, XNS)
IT, abbr.Xerox Network Services/Internet Transport ProtocolXNSITP (Xerox, XNS)
IT, abbr.Xerox Network Services/Internet Transport ProtocolXNS/ITP (Xerox, XNS)