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Terms for subject Government, administration and public services (535 entries)
"a suprimir" "to be abolished"
accidente de trabajo accident occurring in the course of occupational activities
accidente de trabajo "in itinere" accident sustained on the journey to or from work
accidente laboral accident occurring in the course of occupational activities
accidente laboral industrial accident
accidente profesional accident at work
accidente profesional accident occurring in the course of occupational activities
accidente profesional industrial accident
accidente profesional occupational accident
accidente sufrido por el interesado en el ejercicio o con ocasión del ejercicio de sus funciones accident in the course of or in connection with the performance of an official's duties
Acta Final de la Conferencia Gubernamental para la Función Pública Europea Final Act of the Governmental Conference on the European Civil Service
actividad de media jornada half-time work
activos del fondo de pensiones assets of the pension fund
activos del fondo de pensiones assets of the pension scheme
acto de abnegación act of heroism
acto de nombramiento del funcionario instrument appointing an official
acto jurídico solemne formal legal act
Administrador adjunto Assistant Administrator
administrador adjunto assistant administrator
administrador lingüista linguist administrator