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Terms for subject Fencing (403 entries)
"allez!" "go!"
"balestra" balestra
"copertino" copertino
"corps à corps" "corps à corps"
"dedans" upper inside target
"dessus" upper outside target
"en bon temps" "in good time"
"êtes-vous prêts!" "ready!"
"halte!" "stop!"
"imbroccata" "imbroccata"
"inquartata" inquartata
"je m'abstiens" "I abstain"
"je m'abstiens" "no opinion"
"les doigts dirigent la pointe" manipulation of the blade with fingers
"limite!" "limit!"
"pas de touche" "no hit"
"pas de touche" "no touch"
"prêt!" "ready!"
"richasso" ricasso
"terrain" "ground"