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Terms for subject Agriculture (17297 entries)
"chump" chump
"djurkroppsmjöl" carcass meal
"djurkroppsmjöl" tankage
"ej grodd" potatis immature potato
"ej grodd" potatis unsuberised potato
"fisklupp" fish-finder
"hälsokontrollen" av reformen av den gemensamma jordbrukspolitiken "Health Check" of the CAP reform
"starter" starter
(ev. särbestämmelser specific provision
1,2-Dibrom-3-klorpropan 1, 2-dibrom-3-chlorpropane
1995 års internationella spannmålsavtal 1995 International Grains Agreement
2,3,butylenglykol 2-3 butandiol
2,3,butylenglykol 2-3 butylene glycol
2,4-D acetic acid
2,4-D 2, 4-D
2,4-D herbamix
2,4-D herbatox
2,4-DB 2, 4-DB
2,4-DB 4-2,4-dichlorophenoxy butyric acid
2-furaldehyd furfurel