
Terms for subject Proverb (388 entries)
一円を笑う者は一円に泣く Take care of the penny
一円を笑う者は一円に泣く he who makes fun of one yen will cry at one yen
一銭を笑う者は一銭に泣く Take care of the penny
七度尋ねて人を疑え search thoroughly for something lost before you suspect someone of stealing it
七度尋ねて人を疑え be on sure ground before you accuse somebody
逃がした魚は大きい the biggest fish is always the one that got away
将を射んと欲すれば先ず馬を射よ He that would the daughter win, must with the mother first begin
三尺下がって師の影を踏まず a student must never forget to honor their teacher
三尺さがって師の影を踏まず a student must never forget to honor their teacher
三尺去って師の影を踏まず a student must never forget to honor their teacher
三歩下がって師の影を踏まず a student must never forget to honor their teacher
三歩さがって師の影を踏まず a student must never forget to honor their teacher
上には上が有る greatness is comparative
上には上が有る there is always someone better than you
上には上がある greatness is comparative
上には上がある there is always someone better than you
下種のあと知恵 hindsight is 20-20
下種の後知恵 hindsight is 20-20
下手な考え休むに似たり It's hard to tell a poor thinker from a sleeping one
下手な考え休むに似たり They to whom only bad ideas come might as well be asleep