
Terms for subject Humorous / Jocular (143 entries)
稀ガス I get the feeling that
稀ガス I think that
三次元 {news2 nf27} real world
三次元 {news2 nf27} IRL
希ガス I get the feeling that
希ガス I think that
名無しの権兵衛 John Doe
名無しの権兵衛 Mr. Nobody
休肝日 (pun on 休館日) teetotal day
休肝日 (pun on 休館日) day off drinking
休肝日 (pun on 休館日) liver rest day
3次元 {spec1} real world
3次元 {spec1} IRL
気団 married man
嘘と坊主の頭はゆったことがない (play on 言う and 結う) having never told a lie
猛虎弁 thick Osaka dialect
逝け面 exceptionally ugly man
逝けメン exceptionally ugly man
感謝感激雨霰 (orig. a play on 乱射乱撃雨霰) I am terribly grateful
感謝感激雨あられ I am terribly grateful