
Terms for subject Shinto (128 entries)
刀禰 priest
七五三縄 rope used to cordon off consecrated areas or as a talisman against evil
切火 Shinto fire-purification ceremony
切り火 Shinto fire-purification ceremony
三柱の神 the three main gods: Amaterasu Omikami, Tsukuyomi no Mikoto and Susano-o no Mikoto
三柱の神 three precious children
氏神 {news2 nf43 spec2} patron god
氏神 {news2 nf43 spec2} tutelar deity
氏神 {news2 nf43 spec2} guardian deity
氏神 {news2 nf43 spec2} local deity
標縄 rope used to cordon off consecrated areas or as a talisman against evil
焚上げ bonfire often in temple grounds, usu. of charms, talismans, New Year decorations, etc.
焚上げ ritual burning of money, cedar sticks, or other objects as an offering
焚き上げ bonfire often in temple grounds, usu. of charms, talismans, New Year decorations, etc.
焚き上げ ritual burning of money, cedar sticks, or other objects as an offering
初穂料 ceremony fee
初穂料 money dedicated to the gods when participating in a ceremony
産の飯 thanksgiving rice dish after childbirth
産立て飯 thanksgiving rice dish after childbirth
大社 {news1 nf23} grand shrine