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Terms for subject Buddhism (1658 entries)
七難八苦 the Seven Misfortunes and Eight Pains
七難八苦 a series of disasters
{news1 nf02} general principle
{news1 nf02} the underlying principles of the cosmos
理体 essence of all things
理体 noumenon
理觀 contemplation of principle
逆縁 bad deed which ultimately results in the creation of a good Buddhist
逆縁 older person conducting a funeral service for a younger relative, in particular, a parent for a child
逆修 holding a memorial service for oneself
逆修 an older person conducting a memorial service for a deceased, younger person
順縁 favorable condition
順縁 dying in order
月天 Chandra
月天子 Chandra
月光菩薩 Candraprabha
済度 redemption
済度 salvation
三尊 image of the three honorable ones
三尊 Buddha, sutras and priesthood