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Terms for subject Sumo (825 entries)
褄取り rear toe pick
清めの塩 salt thrown to purify the ring before a bout
逆とったり arm bar throw counter
切り返し {news2 nf34} twisting backward knee trip
切り返す {news2 nf34} perform a twisting backward knee trip
切返す perform a twisting backward knee trip
脇が甘い preventing (one's) opponent from getting an underarm grip
脇が甘い having weak defenses
合い口 unbalanced record of wins between two wrestlers
合掌捻り clasped-hand twist down
合口 unbalanced record of wins between two wrestlers
三所攻め triple attack force out
三つどもえの戦い playoff for the tournament win with three wrestlers participating
三つ巴戦 playoff for the tournament win with three wrestlers participating
三つ巴の戦い playoff for the tournament win with three wrestlers participating
三番稽古 a row of training matches with the same opponent
三番出世 newly recruited wrestlers in the third round of presentation after mae-zumo
三役格 referee officiating bouts of san'yaku ranked wrestlers
三役揃い踏み ritual stomping in unison on the final day of a tournament
三段目 {news2 nf27} third lowest division