
   Japanese English
Terms for subject Shinto (128 entries)
元始祭 Festival of Origins
お祓い exorcism rite
お祓い purification
ご神体 shintai
ご神体 object of worship believed to contain the spirit of a deity, typically housed in a shrine
ご幣 staff with plaited paper streamers
しめ縄 rope used to cordon off consecrated areas or as a talisman against evil
鑚火 Shinto fire-purification ceremony
鑚り火 Shinto fire-purification ceremony
junior Shinto priest
Shinto priest
generic title for a member of the Shinto priesthood
祝詞 {news2 nf41} ritual prayer
祝詞 {news2 nf41} invocation of the gods participating in a rite
祝詞 {news2 nf41} congratulatory address
神主 {ichi1 news2 nf38} Shinto priest
神主 {ichi1 news2 nf38} chief Shinto priest
神主 {ichi1 news2 nf38} Welsh onion
神主 {ichi1 news2 nf38} pun in Buddhist monk jargon
神子 miko