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Terms for subject Power electronics (285 entries)
順方向 (バルブデバイスまたはアームの) conducting direction (of an electronic valve device or of a valve arm)
順ブレークダウン forward breakdown
昇圧チョッパ boost converter
昇圧チョッパ step-up converter
昇降圧接続 boost and buck connection
昇降圧チョッパ buck converter
昇降圧チョッパ step-down converter
複合出力特性 composite characteristic
複変換装置 double converter
複変換装置の変換部 converter section of a double converter
変換率 conversion factor (in general)
変換接続 converter connection
変換装置 converter
変換装置 convertor
変換装置の単向接続 single-way connection (of a converter)
変換装置の双向接続 double-way connection (of a converter)
変換装置の出力特性曲線 characteristic (of a converter; curve)
変換部 converter section of a double converter
外乱量 influence quantity
外部消流 external quenching