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Terms for subject Sports (229 entries)
一軍 {news1 nf11} first string players
最終ホール last hole
球筋 course of a hit ball
指名試合 title match
無気力試合 match where one side loses on purpose
無気力試合 dull game
無気力試合 dull match
欧州遠征 European campaign
Vゴール golden goal
先発 {news1 nf03} starting
こぼれ球 loose ball
こぼれ球 rebound
当たり負け loss of momentum or follow-through as a result of impact
当たり負け getting knocked aside
hitting a ball
打ち込む {ichi1 news1 nf21} practice hitting
打ち込む {ichi1 news1 nf21} get a blow in
打ち込む {ichi1 news1 nf21} invade opponent's territory