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Terms for subject Social science (5519 entries)
"empowerment" empowerment
"handel" in kinderen uit de derde wereld trafficking in children from the Third World
"handicapisme" handicapism
"kleine" taal minority language
"kleine" taal so-called minor language
"Leonardo da Vinci"-programma LEONARDO DA VINCI programme
"Leonardo da Vinci"-programma action programme for the implementation of a European Community vocational training policy
"Ouderen in tel" "Ageing matters"
"witte" baan white job
"zacht racisme" "soft racism"
3,4-methyleendioxy-methamfetamine 3,4-methylnedioxymethylamphetamine
3,4-methyleendioxy-methamfetamine Adam
3,4-methyleendioxy-methamfetamine ecstasy
3,4-methyleendioxy-methamfetamine X
3,4-methyleendioxy-methamfetamine XTC
65-plusser elderly person
65-plusser old person
A-wetgeving type A legislation
aalmoezenier chaplain
aan de basis at the grass roots