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Terms for subject Waste management (64 entries)
affaldsbaseret brændsel residue-derived fuel
affaldsbaseret brændsel waste-derived fuel
affaldsbortskaffelse disposal of waste
affaldsbrændsel refuse-derived fuel
affaldsbrændsel residue-derived fuel
affaldsbrændsel waste-derived fuel
affaldshierarki waste hierarchy
affaldsstrøm waste flow
affaldsstrøm waste stream
anbringelse af faste installationer siting of fixed plant
bortskaffelse af affald disposal of waste
bortskaffelse i sedimenter i havet sea-bed insertion
bortskaffelse i sedimenter i havet seabed disposal
calcinering calcination
calcinering ignition
containeraffaldsplads civic amenity site
containeraffaldsplads household waste recycling centre
containeraffaldsplads civic amenity tip
dampstripning soil vacuum extraction
dampstripning soil vapour extraction