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Terms for subject Natural resourses and wildlife conservation (4585 entries)
"gøgespyt" cuckoo spit
"gøgespyt" spittle bug
abdomen abdomen
åben græsareal open grassland with Corynephorus and Agrostis
abeørn Philippine eagle
abeørn monkey-eating
aborre European perch
abutilonhamp China jute
abutilonhamp abutilon hemp
abutilonhamp Ching-Ma jute
abutilonhamp King-Ma jute
abutilonhamp Tien-Tsin jute
acajounød cashew nut
acrantophis Madagascar boas
actinomyces ray-fungus
actinomyces actinomyces
addaxantilope addax
addaxantilope antelope
Adimilo-ged purebred spotted goat
Adimilo-ged spotted wild goat