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Terms for subject Economy (18566 entries)
"""ikke i min baghave""-holdning" nimbyism
"anti-surge"-mekanisme anti-surge mechanism
"back-to-back" transaktioner back-to-back transactions
"bailing-out" bailing-out
"bullet"-lån bullet loan
"classification of household goods and services" classification of household goods and services
"ejet" juridisk person owned juridical person
"external diseconomies" external diseconomies
"fair return"-princippet "juste retour" principle
"fair return"-princippet fair return principle
"first loss tranche" equity tranche
"first loss tranche" first loss tranche
"first loss tranche" most subordinated tranche
"hovedsagelig" "mainly"
"in-valuta" "in" currency
"indigenisation" indigenisation
"infant industry" infant industry
"International Exchanges" International Exchanges
"konsekvensanakyse" impact note system
"kvalitetseffekt" quality effect