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Terms for subject Tools (61 entries)
老虎钳 vise
锁具 lockset
挂锁 padlock
将动物置于四十摄氏度的高温环境中会导致其中暑 Heat stroke was induced by exposing animals to a high ambient temperature of 40°C
吊秤 crane scale
下限值 lower limit
划线[片]器 scriber
气钻 pneumatic drill
刨子 plane
木螺钻,螺旋钻用于木材钻孔 auger
木槌 mallet
弯管机 bender
水力泵,液压泵 hydraulic pump
电焊机 electric welder
电动升降机,电葫芦 electric hoist
电枪 electronic runner
活梯,折梯 stepladder
显像密度计,液体比重计 densitometer
所有测功器本身可双向转动,因此不需重新放置测功器来改变旋转方向 All dynamometers are inherently bidirectional and therefore do not require repositioning to switch the direction of rotation
测力计,功率计 dynamometer