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Terms for subject Socialism (243 entries)
需求评估 needs assessment
考虑性别因素 engendering
考虑性别问题的农业战略 gender-sensitive agricultural strategy
将社会性别平等观点纳入主流活动 mainstreaming gender equity
将特定性别问题主流化 targeted gender mainstreaming
将特定性别问题纳入主流计划 targeted gender mainstreaming
切割女性生殖器官 female genital mutilation
按性别区分的土地权利 gender-differentiated land rights
有利于性别平等的开发 gender-sensitive development
下游影响 downstream impact
下游影响 downstream effect
看护费用 care costs
看护费用 costs of care
看护费用 caregiving costs
不稳定就业 vulnerable employment
与性别有关的维 gender-related dimension
与性别相关的人权 gender-based rights
与性别相关的人权 gender-related human rights
与性别相关的风险 gender-specific risk
向母亲提供的援助 assistance to mothers