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Terms for subject Pigeon racing (114 entries)
砂眼 blowhole
race rubber
小鸽 dovelet
紫罗兰眼 violet eyes
脱毛 moult
电脑鸽钟 computer pigeon clock
常胜王 auto winner
鸽舍 loft
鸽谱 book on pigeon
鸽谱 manual of pigeon
鸽笼 dovecote
鸽子 pigeon
鸽王 pigeon winner
鸽钟 pigeon clock
鸽经 pigeon talk
鸽棚 cote
鸽棚 pigeon house
鸽哨 whistle tied to a pigeon
鸽翼上的标示物 wing stamp
放飞 liberate