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Terms for subject Labor organization (361 entries)
最小满足 satisficing
企业伦理道德 business ethics
态度理论 theory of attitude
态度气质理论 attitudes
态度气质理论 dispositional approaches
态度测量 attitude measurement
七 S 模型 seven S model
调查反馈 surveys-feedback
清除〔弹性复原,再吸动〕时间 cleanup time
分析者 analyzers
分析水平 levels of analysis
分离 declustering
division of labor
指示权力 referent power
合作社 cooperatives
有限理性 bounded rationality
选拔面试 selection interviewing
选拔方法 selection methods
上行沟通 upward communication
小规模的水产养殖 micro-scale aquaculture