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Terms for subject Footwear (108 entries)
布什开玩笑说,他能跟大家说的就是,那是一只10码的鞋,接着平静地回答问题 Bush joked, saying that all he could report was that it was a size 10 shoe, then calmly took questions
考究的 dressy
范斯 Vans
范斯鞋一直是滑板仔和海滩男孩的标准装备 Vans shoes have long been standard gear for skateboarders and beach boys
调整式夹具使鞋面与楦头100%贴合 The adjustable clamp will achieve 100 percent jointing of the vamp with the last
帆布便鞋 espadrille
漆皮 patent leather
漆皮鞋可以用溶剂型皮革清洁剂清洗 Patent leather shoes can be cleaned with solvent-based leather cleaners
下的粉末样品 pattern cutting
切边 edge trimming
合成革 synthetic leather
有流苏的 fringed
不管是高跟鞋还是平跟鞋,最关键的是是否合脚,得不夹脚且有一定的活动余地 The key thing with any shoe, high or flat, is that it should fit properly, not pinch your toes and have a degree of flexibility
后跟高度 back height
耐用的 heavy-duty
休闲鞋 leisure shoe
我们一直按照顾客要求生产、经营、出口各种纺织品、皮革和运动用品 Since long time we are manufacturing, trading and exporting many kinds of textile, leather and sport goods as customers demand
我们的产品质量好,而且批发价很合理 Our products are of good quality and at a reasonable whole-sale price
我想找一双黑色的高跟鞋搭配我的晚礼服 I’m looking for some black pumps to go with my evening wear
通过这种方法,我用描图纸包裹自己的脚,然后用胶带黏合,再根据脚的形状画上各种几何图形 With this approach I then set about wrapping my foot in tracing paper, and then binding it up in masking tape and then drawing various geometries onto and over the form of my foot