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Terms for subject Kick volleyball (86 entries)
中断比赛 suspend play
3 盘 2 胜制 two out of three sets
值班裁判长 official referee
尼龙绳 nylon cord
故意离开场地 deliberately leave the court
等级 I Degree I
等级 I 的难度 Degree I Difficulty
救球 save ball
做出干扰对方注意力的举动 create distracting manner
罚出场外 send off
停止比赛 stop play
扣球 spike
扣球者 spiker
正式比赛用球 official ball
普通细绳 ordinary cord
平坦的表面 level surface
腾空转体 rotate in the air
腾空发球 jump off the ground to execute the service
内卫 inside player
内心圈 inner circle