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Terms for subject Clothing (391 entries)
刀背缝 princess seam
开匹 cut across
开关领,两用领 convertible collar
攀登高山时,登山服必不可少 The mountaineering suit is essential in climbing high mountains
锁针法 lock stitch
漂白 bleach
布局图 layout
布面不匀 uneven cover
布边不匀 uneven selvedge
弄皱 crumple
包边钮孔 bound buttonhole
圆领 round collar
指特定地区、时间和群体穿着的服装。 costume
合格证 certification
有一种西服的基本版型叫"英式垫肩西服" There is a basic version of the suit, called "English-style shoulder pad suit"
选择服装样板尺寸前,了解和选择正确的体型非常重要 Understanding and selecting the correct body type is important before choosing the size for the pattern
上臀围 high hip
吊牌 label
同色搭配 con-colors collocation
舌痕 scratch