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Terms for subject Diplomacy (232 entries)
一连串的事件 stream of events
开会研究〔讨论〕 sit on
最好地 to the best advantage
挂其他国家旗帜航行 under false colours
调查 sit on
分担 take a share in
有〔没有〕先见之明 take long views
有〔没有〕先见之明 take short views
的义务 be under an obligation to
有主动〔优先〕权 have the initiative
有充分根据的论点 solid arguments
有默契的 on the nod
有困难 be in difficulty
下定义 give a definition
看风向 find out how the wind blows
看风向 find out how the wind lies
同意 give (one's) assent to
同…一致行动 act in concert with
同…对抗起来 come into antagonism with
同…对抗起来 be brought into antagonism with