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Terms for subject Dentistry (942 entries)
一小时后您可以用对侧吃些软食,不要吃硬的、热的和辛辣的食物 You can eat about an hour after extraction but please chew on the other side of extraction and eat soft food, And avoid eating hard, hot and spicy food
一天刷几次牙? How many times do you brush your teeth in a day?
一天内轻轻涂擦这种油膏几次 Please rub this ointment gently several times in a day
一个手指在口内,另一个在口外 Put one finger in the mouth, and the other outside
一周后敏感的症状将会消失 It will disappear in about a week
一周内复诊最好 It will be better in about a week
开殆 open bite
最后一次做口腔检査是什么时候? When was your last dental check-up?
最后一次拍 X 线片是什么时候? When was the last time you had an X -ray?
最初的症状和现在一样吗? Were the symptoms you had initially the same as they are now?
最好不要吃像糖一样粘的食物 You had better not eat sticky food like a candy
最好能把乳牙保留到替牙期 It is better to keep milk teeth until their proper exchanging time
需要四次复诊或一个月的时间 It will take four visits or one month to be treated
持续痛 continuous pain
洁治 scaling
老年口腔医学 geriatric dentistry
谁介绍您来这里的? Who introduced this clinic to you?
谁替您付款? Who is paying?
锁殆 cross bite
吃硬食物时,比如说苹果,牙龈出血吗? Did your gums bleed when you eat hard food, like an apple?