
   Chinese English
Terms for subject Idiomatic (223 entries)
一清二楚 as clear as daylight
一点儿也不 damn all
一点点 a taste of
开始一件新工作 cut (one's) teeth on
需要 can do with
需要 could do with
老实说 truth to tell
老练 know chalk from cheese
异口同声地 with one mouth
考虑正反两方面的意见 weigh the pros and cons
处在高潮 in full spate
将就 can do with
将就 could do with
愈来愈糟 go down the drain
有耐性地 up hill and down dale
有判断力 know chalk from cheese
有天壤之别 make a world of difference
有保留地 with a grain of salt
不三不四 betwixt and between
不上不下 up a gum-tree