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Terms for subject Fashion (95 entries)
老凤祥 Lao Fengxiang
挂坠 pendant
布帽,羊毛软帽传统上为劳工的象征 flat cap
万宝龙 Montblanc
下矿之前每人均配备一套防护服装,一顶安全帽和一双安全鞋 Before the descent every person is supplied with a protective suit, helmet and shoes
不管你称呼它格子呢还是格子花呢,它现在很流行 Whether you call it tartan or plaid, it's just in
我戴着厚厚的羊毛帽子,穿着羊毛袜子,感觉很好 I felt fine under my thick wool hat and in my wool socks
我们的聚酯羊毛水手冬帽就是这样 Our polyester fleece watch cap is just that
我们想到的一个标志性的东西就是法国贝雷帽 One of the symbols we thought of was a beret
我们都用工作服或蓝色的牛仔裤、厚夹克和渔夫帽武装自己 We're all dressed in overalls or blue jeans, heavy jackets, and bucket hats
渔夫帽,水桶帽 bucket hat
帕斯帕雷 Paspaley
脚镯 anklet
贝雷帽 beret
谢瑞麟 TSL
欧克塞特 Oxette
欧米茄 Omega
在吸汗带后的帽檐上增印一个小的"中国制造"字样的图标 Add a small printed label with the content Made in China on the inner brim behind the sweatband
用羽毛、花朵、珠子等组成的华丽头饰 fascinator