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Terms for subject Lighting (other than cinema) (142 entries)
一般照明 general lighting
一定要记得关闭断路器或熔断器面板处开关,从而切断将要工作处电路的电源 Always remember to shut off the power at the breaker or fuse panel to the circuit that you'll be working on
一只可以和60瓦白炽灯亮度相媲美的 LED 灯泡只有8到12瓦 An LED bulb with comparable brightness to a 60-watt incandescent bulb is only 8 to 12 watts
市场上有很多种光源供选择,消费者很难决定到底想要哪种 There are so many choices available in the market that it is hard for the consumers to choose which kinds of light sources they want
市面上现有一种无极汞灯,可以瞬时开关 Now there is a kind of electrodeless mercury lamp which can be instantaneously switch on and off
吊杆 hanger bar
吊灯 pendant lamp
吊灯 pendant light
与普通的石英灯相比,氙灯外部为陶瓷材质,并具有密封结构,是一种更安全的产品 With a ceramic body and seal construction, xenon lamps are a safe alternative to conventional quartz lamps
我公司成立于2000年,专门从事落地灯的生产 Established in 2000, our company is a professional manufacturer of floor lamps
我公司产品包括玻璃台灯和五金台灯 Our products include glass table lamps and metal table lamps
我厂拥有先进的自动化灯丝生产线,年产各类白炽灯灯丝6亿条 With an advanced automatic production line, our company manages to produce 600 million filaments of various incandescent lamps
我想买些镜画灯,但觉得价钱有点咼 I am thinking of buying some picture lamps, but I find your price is a little bit high
我想知道椰树灯的最小起订量是多少 I want to know the minimum order quantity of the coconut lamps
霓虹灯 neon lamp
霓虹灯 neon light
舞台照明 stage lighting
在最终决定前,你应该清楚枝型吊灯等各种天花板吊灯的悬挂高度是多少 You should be clear about the hanging height of the various ceiling fixtures such as chandeliers before making a final decision
木灯 wooden lamp
木灯 wooden light