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Terms for subject Medical appliances (88 entries)
医用生物降解材料 medical biodegradable material
医用脱脂棉 medical absorbent cotton
医用灌注泵 medical injection pump
医用材料 medical material
医用材料管理是医院管理的重要组成部分 Medical material management is an important part in hospital management
医用导管 medical catheter
医疗垃圾 medical garbage
?电子可操纵导管的优势是什么? What is the advantage of an electronically steerable catheter
尿液分析仪 urine analyzer
血样遇到测试条会发生化学反应,引起颜色变化 When a blood sample is applied to the test strip, a chemical reaction occurs producing a color change
血流导引导管 flow-directed catheter
血袋 blood bag
血糖分析仪 blood sugar analyzer
血糖测计仪 glucometer
半自动生化分析仪 semi-automatic biochemical analyzer
体外冲击波碎石术 extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy
体温计 clinical thermometer
套管针 trocar
卤素灯 halogen light
全自动血细胞分析仪 automatic blood cell analyzer