
   Chinese English
Terms for subject Figure of speech (22 entries)
处境困难 be in a tight spot
处境相同 in the same boat
处于困境 be in a tight spot
同舟共济 in the same boat
向…开门 open the door for
生活在森林里的鸟类 denizens of the forest
在同一状态下 in the same boat
在航行中 be under sail
未完成 hang in the air
未证实 hang in the air
为…开阔道路 open the door for
十分清楚的 as clear as a bell
the shadow of a shade
使成为重要 bring to the front
使…成为可能 open the door for
使出名 bring to the front
极健全〔清楚〕 as clear as a bell
得最高分 ace it
得满分 ace it
情况极值 as clear as a bell