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Terms for subject Programming (386 entries)
分配率 distributive law
分歧边界法 branch and bound algorithm
分段线性近似解 piece-wise linear approximation
分解原理 decomposition principle
分路分岔 switch branch
切割面方法 cutting plane method
指派问题 an assignment problem
合宜性原理 principle of optimality
三角矩阵 triangular matrix
有限元 finite-element method
有限等候线 finite wating line
有限排队模型 finite waiting line model
有限排队线 finite wating line
有限集 finite set
有限集合 finite set
选取数据点 data point
上限运输问题 capacitated transportation method
下限 lower bound
程序库供应〔支援〕 library support
程度 stage