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Terms for subject Labor law (810 entries)
一专多能 expert in one thing and good at many
一般劳动 labour in common
开放工会 open union
最高薪水 ceiling on wages
退休职工管理委员会 committee on the management of retired workers and staff
退休年龄 age at retirement
退休年龄 age at withdrawal
退体年龄前丧失劳动力 disablement before retirement
企业管理优秀奖 award for excellent enterprise management
老手 old hand
老年福利金 age benefit
砂肺 pneumonoconiosis
适时动作 timely action
考勤卡片 time card
射频幅射防护 protection against radiofrequency and radiation
包工工资制 wage system for contract work
清洁工 porter
锅炉压力容量安全监察 boiler and pressure vessel safety supervision
分步人工 labour in process
分段教育法 incident process