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Terms for subject Ceramics (152 entries)
一丝,几分颜色、感情或性质 tinge
茂密的森林和优质瓷土让德化陶瓷闻名于世 The lush forest and fine quality porcelain clay make Dehua porcelain very famous
清洗 wash
切刻 incise
谈到清洁,推荐用手清洗。如果机洗,务必保证它们在清洗过程中不会互相碰触 As regards cleaning, it is recommended that the pieces are washed by hand. If washed by machine, it is necessary to ensure that they are not touching each other in the process
锈斑 rust stain
有助于...的,有益...的 conducive
霉菌 mildew
看藏品时最好戴上手套,桌上用绒布垫好。赏看时不要互相传递,一人赏看结束应重置于桌上,其他人再捧持观赏 When appreciating collections, we'd better wear gloves and prepare a piece of flannelette on the table. Do not pass it to each other. When one finishes appreciation, the porcelain should be placed on the table again and others can hold and watch
透视 perspective
耐热瓷器 refractory china
我工厂主营赤土陶器、炻瓷和公园专用的水泥产品 Our factory specializes in the line of terracotta, stoneware, and cement items for gardens
我们是针对陶瓷制造业的技术及维护服务公司。公司成立于1992年,提供各种砖块、屋顶瓦片、墙面砖和陶瓷的生产设备 We are a technical and maintenance service company to the ceramic manufacturing industry, and have been established since 1992 and deal with all types of production machinery for bricks, roof tiles, wall tiles and ceramics
我们的镶嵌加工范围:珍珠、钻石、翡翠、祖母绿、红宝石、蓝宝石、软玉、水晶等 Our scope of inlay machining: pearl, diamond, jade, emerald, ruby, sapphire, nephrite, crystal and so on
研磨需要混合原矿、黏土及添加物 Crude ore, clay and additives are mixed in grinding process
贝尔里克陶瓷 Belleek ware
生陶器 green ware
素彩瓷 plain porcelain
鸡毛掸子 feather duster