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Terms for subject Household appliances (141 entries)
负离子发生器 negative ion generator
性能可靠的电热毯让君高枕无忧 With a dependable electric blanket, surely you will always have a restful sleep
刨冰机 ice crusher
用真空吸尘器处理 vacuum
用电饭锅或蒸笼蒸20分钟,取岀后放凉,再解开白布,切片上桌食用 Steam in an electric rice cooker or a steamer for 20 minutes, remove and cool first, unwrap and cut into slices
用烘干机烘干 tumble dry
温水清洗 warm rinse
航海雷达站在近海岸工作的误差 hour-glass effect
航线偏移指示仪 deviation flag
别让小宝宝把手指伸进插座 Don't let the baby stick her fingers in the socket
本文主要论述自动电压力锅电气控制系统的设计 This paper discusses mainly the electric control system design of the autoelectronic pressure cooker
贮藏储存起来 store away
地板打蜡机 floor polisher
脱毛设备 depilation equipment
水洗 wash
水龙头 tap
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电表 electric meter
电饭煲 electric rice cooker