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Terms for subject Toys (66 entries)
衣车钳印 sewing machinery mark
入棉不均匀 uneven stuffing
入棉不足 under stuffing
入棉过多 over stuffing
入棉比例不对 stuffing disproportion
车缝太疏 low dense stitching
车缝太密 high dense stitching
物理老师建议我们试着自己做些电动玩具 Our teacher of physics suggested that we should try to make some electronic toys ourselves
物料走纱 material running
填充物通常通过机器吹到填充玩具内,但玩具的填充口要手工缝好 The stuffing is usually blown into the stuffed toy by a machine, but the insertion point is closed by hand
填充玩具 stuffed toy
空竹 diabolo
长松线头 long loose thread
针孔 stitching hole
溜溜球 yo-yo
悠悠球 yo-yo
玩物,玩乐对象 plaything