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Terms for subject Oceanography & oceanology (158 entries)
一阵大风〔狂风〕 gale of wind
调查船 survey ship
上层的 epipelagic
洋面表温 sea surface temperature
不规则海底 irregular ground
不规则海底 irregular bottom
不响亮的声音 flat sound
渐进性盐碱化 progressive salination
气象应用 Meteorological Applications
研磨剂 molar agents
世界大洋深度图 General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans
弗莱明角 Flemish Cap
生物资源模块 living resources module
生物特性 biotic feature
大洋水域 open-ocean zone
大洋流 open-ocean current
大陆架水系充氧 oxygenation of shelf water
大陆架边缘 fringing shelf
大西洋洋中脊 Mid-Atlantic Ridge
大西洋中脊 Mid-Atlantic Ridge