
А Б В Г Д Е Ж З И Й К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Ъ Ь Ю Я   >>
Terms for subject General (4205 entries)
"28-и режим" 28th regime
"Всичко освен оръжие" Everything but Arms
"електроенергия в газ" power-to-gas
"Лицензиране за Европа" Licences for Europe
"Митници 2007" Customs 2007
"Митници 2007" action programme for customs in the Community
"Митници 2013" Customs 2013
"Митници 2013" action programme for customs in the Community
"Митници 2020" Customs 2020
"Митници 2020" action programme for customs in the European Union for the period 2014-2020
"мъдрец" Wise Pen
"пета свобода" "fifth freedom"
"пета свобода" free movement of knowledge
"преговорна кутия" negotiating box
"синовен" отпуск filial leave
"Фискалис 2013" Community programme to improve the operation of taxation systems in the internal market
"Фискалис 2013" Fiscalis 2013
"Фискалис 2020" action programme to improve the operation of taxation systems in the European Union for the period 2014-2020
"Фискалис 2020" Fiscalis 2020
"Хоризонт 2020" Common Strategic Framework for Research and Innovation