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Terms for subject Environment (6533 entries)
abator slaughterhouse (A place where animals are butchered for food)
abordare approach (The way or means of entry or access)
abordare de tip "prag cu marjă" bar-band approach
abordare flexibilă a protecţiei mediului flexible approach to environmental protection (Plans, referred to in various rules as emissions averaging, or flexible compliance plans, allow facilities to undercontrol some emission points that are too costly to control to mandated levels as long as these units are balanced by overcontrolling other emission units that are more cost-effective to control)
absorbant greenhouse gas sink
absorbant sink
absorbant de carbon carbon sink
absorbant de carbon sink
absorbant de gaze cu efect de seră greenhouse gas sink
absorbant de gaze cu efect de seră sink
absorbţie absorption (exposure, The taking in of fluids or other substances by cells or tissues)
absorbţie a poluantului pollutant absorption (The process by which a pollutant is physically incorporated into another substance or body)
absorpție removal
abundenţă ecologică ecological abundance (Number of individual specimens of an animal or plant seen over a certain period of time in a certain place)
abuz de medicamente drug abuse
acceptare a tehnologiilor technology acceptance (The approval, favorable reception and ongoing use of newly introduced devices and systems, usually developed from recent advances in the engineering sciences or industrial arts)
acces la cultură access to culture (The ability, right and permission to approach and use, or the general availability of resources that transmit the beliefs, customs, artistic activity and knowledge of a people)
acces la documente administrative access to administrative documents (The legal right of access to administrative documents or the opportunity to avail oneself of the same)
acces la informaţie access to information (The ability, right and permission to approach and use, or the general availability of resources that convey knowledge)
acces la teren land access (The permission or freedom to use, enter, approach or pass to and from a tract of land, which often consists of real estate property)