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Terms for subject Government, administration and public services (535 entries)
"to be abolished" "a suprimir"
ability efectividad
ability eficiencia
ability rendimiento
accident at work accidente profesional
accident in the course of or in connection with the performance of an official's duties accidente sufrido por el interesado en el ejercicio o con ocasión del ejercicio de sus funciones
accident occurring in the course of occupational activities accidente profesional
accident occurring in the course of occupational activities accidente de trabajo
accident occurring in the course of occupational activities accidente laboral
accident sustained on the journey to or from work accidente de trabajo "in itinere"
acquire pension rights adquirir derechos de pensión
act of heroism acto de abnegación
active employment servicio activo
active status servicio activo
Activity Based Management gestión basada en actividades
Activity Based Management gestión por actividades
actual education costs incurred by parents gastos reales de escolaridad a cargo de los padres
AD function group grupo de funciones de administradores
additional cover cobertura complementaria
additional payment : weighting diferencia de coeficiente corrector