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Terms for subject Commerce (5667 entries)
"acquit-à-caution" acquit-à-caution
"best before" date date de consommation recommandée
"best before" date date de durabilité minimale
"Bulgarian" clause "clause bulgare"
"Bulgarian" clause clause dite "bulgare"
"card stop" for lost cards opposition en cas de perte de carte
"card stop" for stolen cards opposition en cas de vol de carte
"drug GSP" "SPG drogue"
"Europe and Latin America: A Partnership for Action" "Europe et Amérique latine: un partenariat pour l'action"
"hard-core" products produits du noyau dur
"holding-out" advertising publicité "parasite"
"info +" mechanism mécanisme "info+"
"MAFI" trailer remorque "MAFI"
"most favoured customer" clause clause du "client le plus favorisé"
"P and I club" club
"P and I club" club de protection et d'indemnisation
"P" charge utile maximale admissible
"P&I club" club de protection et d'indemnisation
"P&I club" club
"Project 1992" "Objectif 1992"